
Drugs experiences?

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Come on everyone im interested to know what all your experiences have been like on various types of drugs

please dont report this question im only interested!




  1. The only worth telling story I have to tell is the first time i tried pot, It was huge hits from a bong half my size and I threw up like crazy and remember thinking I was looking through a camera, and there was an arrow that pointed to sounds, and 4 black dots spiraling around purple circles... I'm still yet to get that high again, I think the stuff was laced. But the links are pretty awesome, you should check them out.

  2. i work with drug addicts.and has far has i can tell they all add a sh*t experience with drugs.just say no.

  3. Well...I had this huge headache recently, and I took two...yes! TWO paracetemol! They worked very well, thanks! :-) (Oh, and I did drop 2 Rennie tabs the other day for indigestion...) x*x

  4. I was at a weed party. Me and 2 other guys were the most baked there. I was so baked I made out with this guy, went and tped this house, ate so much food, met hella new ppl, and didn't remember half the **** i did the next day. I sat there and didn't know what the f*ck was goin on;D I was hella exhuasted the next day though.

  5. i have not took any nd never

  6. all depends on what your frame of mind is before hand. sounds like you re about to experiment whatever we say, and i've always been an advocate of the truth. hopefully i have a unique ish perspective. i tried a various drugs in my teens, and differing experiences. now im a paramedic, so although i stopped years ago (i got bored of them, no dramatics.although i did see some friends crash and burn), i still see the effects/people on drugs/new drugs.

    i would say if youre going to try , do your homework.( is pretty accurate).

    most drugs wont kill you/harm you unless you are unlucky/allergic on a ONE OFF basis.

  7. Dude if you have been on various types of drugs then you know that LSD is the best drug ever, i have to many stories to tell about my trips that will keep you entertained for a whole week, but it's to much to type so sorry. Enjoy it while it last

    It's very close to this

  8. i smoke marijuana, eat shrooms, drop acid

  9. well i enjoy marijuana and cocaine for very different reasons, i've never tried halucinegens though, i don't trust myself

  10. It sounds like maybe you are thinking about trying something...whether it's alcohol, weed, whatever...I'd just recommend that you make sure you are in a safe place with safe people if/when you do this.

    There's no end of ways you can be harmed if you become too impaired to take care of yourself--so make sure someone's got your back.
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