
Drunk Symptom ? ? ? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone.

My brother is drunk at the moment, and he is experiencing many symptoms of a drunk person such as throwing up, wanting to sleep, dizziness etc. But one of the symptoms is that he is sighing a lot and he is breathing very heavily.

Is this normal, or should we call a doctor?




  1. No, you need to call an ambulance now. Right now.

  2. Get some food in him (preferibly greasy from what ive read) and also drink water. If he cant hold any of this down, i would call an ambulance. Could be alcohol poisoning, and if he goes to sleep Make sure he is on his side. Dont let him fall asleep on his back, it happens to to many people.

  3. That's usually not a great sign but how heavy is he breathing? If it seems like he's laboring for breath call an ambulance or get him to the hospital. But if he just seems a little out of breath it could just be from not feeling good. A lot of the time when people feel sick, especially when they throw up, they breathe more heavily than normal.

    Try to keep him alert and awake until he starts feeling better.
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