
Drunk and about to puke?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i drank alot...and im finally just coming down from the drunkess. and i got the spins and i know im about to puke..what should i do? haha




  1. drink alot of water (maybe a berocca as well). Make sure you have a bathroom near by and just let it all come out

  2. I usually go to sleep and when i waking up i feel like new ;)

  3. Unless you wont mind cleaning vomit off the keyboard in the morning, get to a toilet then rehydrate.

  4. Get the h**l away from the computer and go to the bathroom! Jesus.

  5. Drink a lot of water, and puke! Get that stuff out of your system!

    After your done, drink some more water, and don't lie down! Sit up! Si in the corner of the couch or something, and prop yourself up.

    Listen to the radio, or a cd or the TV, and just relax, it will be over soon.

    If you can have an aspirin now before you sleep.

    NOT tylinal or motrin, too hard on your liver. JUST ASPIRIN

    Have some weak tea, or just some warm water, sit in the dark and relax. it will be all be over soon

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