
Drunk driving commercial?

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I'm talking about the anti-drunk-driving campaign. "Drunk driving. Over the limit. Under arrest." The commercials show (for example) a guy with his motorcycle helmet full of beer. One guy pops an olive in his mouth as he's driving with car interior filled with alcohol.

Does anyone else see a problem with these commercials? In my opinion they're trying to make a funny commercial. Well is that really appropriate for a drinking & driving commerial?

I know it's just a commercial, but is anybody with me on this? Just curious.




  1. I agree, I think it's a stupid commercial.  Yes, it is JUST a commercial but how many kids are watching it and is it really getting any point across?  It's not funny, kind of dumb and I'm not really sure what they were trying to accomplish with it.

  2. I think that the humor is used to get people's attention. I don't think that driving drunk is a humorous thing, but I think this is just a ploy to get people to watch the commercial, which does explain that it's not worth it to drink and drive. I do have to say however, that I like the commercial where the girl is putting all the ingredients in the blender better.  I think it's gross, but it gets the point across!

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