
Drunk people who want to fight......?

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what im asking is do people who are drunk still fight the same as they would sober? do they fall over/get bashed easeir? just curious....




  1. depends on how drunk they are.

    when im drunk fighting im more angry..and nothing stops me..


  2. Drunk fighters always loose............ well except for me of course

  3. It really depends on how drunk they are.  Also depends on how long they have been drinking.  If they are totally trashed then the chance of them actually winning the fight is quite slim.

  4. no

  5. depend how ell u can control your self, and how much u had ot drink, when ure drunk u feel less pain, ure brain let ure muscles go freem so u hit harder, ure body loosens up so ure more agile, if u can balance out liquor, and control being semi wasted and fighting rocks, but if u get totally wasted ull get ot disoriented, wont be able to land a shot and probably get ure *** kicked,

  6. theyre all over the place! Ive seen it so many  times and people get all aggressive when they are drunk but they havent got the coordination, stamina nor good eyesight or reaction time to put up a good fight.  Good part about being drunk and in a fight is that you dont feel much pain.....Till the next day that is

  7. It seem like when people get drunk they want to fight.  When they are sober, they want to make up.  Go figure.  

    I think, they think they are stronger or something.  But when they are sober they become wimps.

  8. They don't have as good sences so they don't feel pain as much and they might not have as good judgement.  It really depends on how wasted they are.

  9. I feel less pain, hit harder, slower, and miss a h**l of a lot more.

  10. I was drunk on weekend. After 20 beers. He was stoned.

    Couldnt remeber woke up with a black eye, nose bruised, cut lip, bruised ere and scratches.


  11. You can take a punch better because you won't feel the pain as much.  My experience is I feel like I'm stronger but it really depends on how drunk you are.  If your totally wasted that will hurt you in the long run.  You will have slow reflexes and will probably stumble and fall.

  12. h**l no!!!! fight harder, miss em all the time, bruise helluva easier. sweet **** drunk fights..there the worse fights to be......

  13. they don't punch as well(not as accurate) but then CAN punch harder than normal adn they get into fights easier

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