
Drunk pill?

by  |  earlier

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this may seem a bit random but why hasn't anyone ever created a pill that makes you drunk? couldn't they somehow distill alcohol into pill form? has anyone ever thought of/tried this in the past? maybe it does exist but it would put the alcohol companies out of buisness. just wondering what with all the technology and things we can do today




  1. People have answered as to pills that produce a similar EFFECT to drunkeness, but not to an actual alcohol pill.

    No such pill exists. If one were to consume pure alcohol within a pill, there would be many, many cases of alcohol poisoning. It would never get past the FDA. As you probably know, one is much more likely to get alcohol poisoning from hard alcohol than beer. One reason is because of the time it takes to drink it, but also the proportion of liquid : alcohol "helps" your body absorb it, to some extent. In the amounts that people drink, however, alcohol poisoning occurs regardless of choice of drink.

    But anyways, my point is that alcohol with no non-alcoholic liquid offset could/probably would kill you.

  2. If you could make a drunk pill then why would anyone drink. If noone drinks the alcohol companies would go out of business.

  3. Last week, I had three glasses of wine and was trashed.  I found out the next day, that I was slipped GHB.  It comes in a powder or pill form.  Supposedly it makes you extremely drunk.  Personally, it was a horrible experience.  I don't remember anything...I supposedly could not walk, I could hardly talk, and I was extremely sick the next day.  

    I think this is the only thing closest to a "drunk pill."

  4. Xanax and GHB will make you feel drunk!!

  5. that could probably kill someone! lol!!!

  6. GHB is supposedly very similar in feeling to being intensely drunk but aside from that you can't powder alcohol so a pill wouldn't currently be possible without having to eat a jar full of gel-caps.

  7. Actually, there are medications available by prescription that, if taken in an overdose, will produce the symptoms of inebriation. These medications are used to treat the symptoms of anxiety. Obviously, they will never be available over the counter. Furthermore, if alcohol  were regulated under the Federal Food and Drug administration instead of the Tobacco, Firearms and Alcohol act, it  would be illegal, just like marijuana and cocaine. Alcohol, when consumed to the point of being drunk, is a physically and psychologically dangerous drug , more so certainly than marijuana.
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