
Drving w/o a liscence?

by  |  earlier

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What happens if you get caught drving without a liscence but you have your permit..and your drving test is 3 days away..OO and the car belongs to your brother an he let you take it .... and your drving alone?




  1. Don't do it.  If you get caught, you can lose your chance of getting your license and have to wait for few more years, and there will be record in your file.  For your brother, he can also get in trouble to allowed you to drive without license.  

    Be patience, only 3 more days..............

  2. well then you should get a fine... they MIGHT delay your driving test but I don't think they can completely stop it.  

  3. probably have to walk or call somebody to take you home.

    i dont know about the car either impounded or they tell u to drive it to park somewhere and get your family to get it

    first of all though you gotta do something wrong for them to catch you first so beware of that (first thing they do is ask for license and tell you what u did wrong)

    usually when u get caught you wait for a week or two to get a paper from the court so u have plenty of time to take the test

    also you might get to go to court

    but when you do show them that you got the license they will just dismiss you

  4. Your brother's car will be towed and impounded, you will not get your license because you blew it driving without someone with you. It doesn't matter how close your driving test is, you already messed up and they won't let you take the test. You likely will have to reapply for your license and begin the process over, you will be fined, as well.  
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