
Dry and wet earwax?

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I have very little earwax. when I do it is light yellow.

someone said this is dry earwax. Is this correct?

I also heard this is usually only seen in asians and

native americans. Is this true?




  1. It could be, although "dry" earwax is usually greyish in color.  It's not the color that matters, rather, it's the consistency.  If you produce so little it may be difficult to tell. Yes, "dry" earwax is a very geographically correlated trait, and it's unlikely that you will find it in outside of the areas you mentioned.  People vary in production of bodily secretions- some people sweat more than others, some people have more earwax than others.  A lot of it depends upon the actual number of excratory glands you have, but it can also be related to health and lifestyle issues.  I used to have problems with underarm perspiration.  I didn't have a BO problem (to my knowledge) but I tended to sweat a lot.  That went away.  I might have outgrown it, although I cut down my alcohol consumption a lot (I guess I outgrew that too) and they correlated.  It doesn't mean it was causal though.

    Native Americans ARE of Asian descent, so that's why you find genetic traits shared in common with both groups.  Shovel-shaped incisor teeth are another example.

    Hope this helped.

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