
Dry eye or pink eye?

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i had pink eye a few months ago in both eyes. i got a prescription for it and it went away and i was fine. a few days later i got that blurry vision like when there is mucus in your eye. it's been like this for awhile so i went to the eye doctor and he said it was dry eye not pink eye. now, i was told to use the artificial tear eyedrops, well it's not any better. does anyone know if this can be cause by stress or my allergies? i've had allergies for more than ten years and my eyes never got like this. just the typical itchyness and watery eye, but never mucus.iv'e never had problems with my eyes , vision or otherwise. it's very annoying cause i've had to quit wearing eye make-up and you know us girls get if we can't wear our makeup lol

please help

ps: and my eyes were ten times worse when it was pink eye

they were swollen shut. this isn't quite that bad




  1. it's pink eye.

    stay away from fatty foods.

  2. If it's mucusy it really sounds like an infection, but then again, I'm not a dr.  And as far as your eye makeup, you should probably toss it all anyway, as it might lead to a recurring infection, since you allready had pink eye.  I think I would see your family dr. and see what he thinks.....

  3. You may have a plugged or blocked tear duct from the infection.  Put a warm rag on it a couple of times day to draw the mucus out and keep it clean.  Plugged tear ducts are usually more common in infants and children but I did a little research before I answered and an infection can also damage an adult tear duct.  

  4. That sounds like you have creepy eyes!!!

    go see a doctor!

  5. Are you taking anything to treat your allergies such as over-the-counter or prescription medications? If so, that will dry out your eyes. Similsan has a nice, safe drop for dry eyes that helps me as I have very dry eyes, too. (even though I don't take medication) That helps me more than the gooey dry eye drops.

    I don't think stress on its own does as much, though stress overall is not good for your health. If the stress is from overwork though - say being at the computer for hours - that could also cause your eyes to be more irritated.

  6. It could be allergies, or pink eye, or something else.  If you are still having problems, you need to go back to your doctor.  Don't take chances with your vision.

  7. definitely could be allergies. maybe food allergies? or it could be a symptom of something bigger :/ just make sure your making extra visits to the doctor
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