i had pink eye a few months ago in both eyes. i got a prescription for it and it went away and i was fine. a few days later i got that blurry vision like when there is mucus in your eye. it's been like this for awhile so i went to the eye doctor and he said it was dry eye not pink eye. now, i was told to use the artificial tear eyedrops, well it's not any better. does anyone know if this can be cause by stress or my allergies? i've had allergies for more than ten years and my eyes never got like this. just the typical itchyness and watery eye, but never mucus.iv'e never had problems with my eyes , vision or otherwise. it's very annoying cause i've had to quit wearing eye make-up and you know us girls get if we can't wear our makeup lol
please help
ps: and my eyes were ten times worse when it was pink eye
they were swollen shut. this isn't quite that bad