
Dry eyes! Advice needed.?

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I have dry eyes from wearing my contact lenses too much. I am trying to make them better by only wearing my contacts for 2hrs per day (for sport) and using refresh eye drops several times a day.

If I do this will the blood vessels that have grown into the white of my eye eventually go/ look less obvious?

Is there anything else I should do?

I have heard of a product called clarimist - is this worth getting?

Please any advice from people who have had this problem would be appreciated.




  1. My wife has the same problem and she works for an eye doctor...she said the over the counter stuff won't help you. You need Restasis...She said your eye doctor can prescribe it to you and that with in a few weeks your problem will be gone...and that if you continue to take it it will help cure the problem.

  2. Contact lenses usually cause dryness of the eye and this problem is more obvious in people with a background of dry eye.Using artificial tear products like" Arte lac" or "Sno-tears" several times a day may temporarily alleviate the symptoms but not permanently.I have not heared of Clarimist but I think it is product similar to artificial tears.Cromolyn sodium eye drops may reduce the irritation caused by contact lenses and does not have any serious side effect on the eye.I advise you to use this drop 4 times a day ,this may alleviate your eye redness and irritation.Keep on using preserved free artificial tear products such as Arte lac too.

  3. ben stein

  4. Don't make experiments with your eyes! GO to a doctor!

    And try to avoid to go to places with a/c.!

  5. I agree go see an Optomologist to check the health of your eyes.

  6. Bausch & Lomb sensative eye rewetting drops! i have the same problem, so i asked the pharamicist and thats what i use....they work realli well! cuz i have really dry eyes when i  wear my contacts

  7. Don't take chances go to an Optomologist (eye doctor) and get you eyes checked. You might be damaging you eyes by experimenting with what anyone tells you. Your eye sight is important.

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