
Dry skin issues!!!!?

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ok hey everyone!!! my skin is SO dry on my face!!!! is there any good product for my face that can make my skin soft?? thanks bunches<3




  1. Use aloe vera gel after bathing on the dry areas.There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at

  2. I have really dry skin on my face as well and I&#039;ve tried a lot of different creams the one I like best is Clinique hydration cream.  Its a little on the pricey side but it works great.  Also it really does help if you keep your body hydrated from the inside too.  Drink lots of water!!  

  3. sure there is like;jergens moistrizer or a nigt/day cream like ponds

  4. Moisture, moisturize, moisturize! this is the way to beat dry skin. use an all natural skin care moisturizer, this can be safe and effective to protect the skin from moisture robbers like dry air, humidity and other factors that can cause skin damage.

    there are many things simple things to do to have clear and healthy skin, one is to drink plenty of water, this can keep the skin hydrated, likewise, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    have healthy habits and avoid bad habits such as smoking and too much alcohol drinking, this can make the skin dry. enough rest. sleep and good program of exercise can help make the skin look at its best.

    for more tips on how to gain soft, smooth and clear skin visit
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