
Dry sockets and smoking?

by Guest557  |  earlier

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I've been reading about wisdom teeth and their removal. One of the post-operation problems that can happen to people is a "dry socket" or alveolar osteitis, which is caused by damaged blood clots where the tooth was removed. I read a few places that smoking can cause these. My question is, are these caused by tobacco smoke or any type of smoke? And how much/often would someone have to smoke for this to happen?




  1.  I had 5 teeth pulled (4 wisdom teeth, 1 moler), and 2 fillings put in 7 days ago today. I thought dipping would have been bad for the healing, so I smoked. The problem is cigarettes don't have nearly the nicotine as a normal sized dip, so I smoked about 2 packs a day, and also drank coke because I couldn't eat anything. I have spun my foot 180 degrees and had to spin it back myself, and that did not even compare to the amunt of pain that I have in my mouth. Dry sockets suck! DO NOT SMOKE!! I imagine my dentist told me not to do al of those things, but I was still very delerious from the anesthesia, so I don't remember. I am going to ask about that medicated dressing rght now.

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