
Dryer accident with my little brother

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I put my 9 year old brother in a dryer and turned it on for about a minute with him inside of it. Its been 4 days now and he says he has had really bad head aches ever since. Do you think there is long term damage to his head?




  1. this made me


    thank you.

  2. yeah, id have to say so. who puts there brother in the dryer? i hope you're joking about this question - if not please take... or i change that please have ur parental guardians take him to the ER asap.  

  3. dude, child abuse.


  4. ur a f*cking idiot. why the h**l would you do that?! you could have killed him. tell your mom and don't worry about being in trouble. it's your own fault and you should get in trouble but he needs to see a doctor

  5. I hope this is a joke (hints the category) but if not WELL DUHHHH

  6. You must be the biggest MORON, ever!

    Kids have died from that.

    He probably has burns all over him, and if you had any brains at all, you'd know that while he was in that dryer, it was litterly frying his   ******** brain. Yea, you just cooked your little brother alive. You're lucky he's not dead. If he's nine and he's your LITTLE brother, you're more then old enough to know better. Get that poor thing to a hospital ASAP.

    You can hardly call that an accident.

  7. If you were smart.

    You'd take him to the hospital.

  8. I think because of the way his head and neck had to bend to get him in the dryer maybe he pulled a muscle in his neck.

  9. yea maybe.. just look it up on google.. prob e just need some sleep and yea. its prob just a minor concussion. but the gas mighthave hurt him.. but kid how old are you? act your age and be an adult take the dicipline on what you did. tell your parents.... no matter the cost they could save his life.

  10. I think he's joking. That would explain the Category.

    If you're not... Yes, he very well might have long term damage. The inside of a  dryer has like a 2-3 ft radius. Imagine being put into it, in the pitch black, and toppled around while the heat is gradually increased? You don't deserve to have a brother.

  11. **** thats mean was his head banging off it? he might have a concussion or something

  12. you can be put in jail for such as that. He could very well have damage and wont you have fun explaining it to the authorities.  Sad if this is actually true.  

  13. He probably deserved it,, and if he didnt he would have in the future

  14. If your brother is anything like you, there was probably long term damage to his head before you put him in there.      

  15. BWAHAHAHA!!people dont understand that this is a fake!!a 9 year old kid probley cant fit in a dryer!!!


    if you somehow managed to get this kid in a dyer,take him to the hospital NOW!!!tell your parents!!!there will most likely be SERIOUS DAMAGE!!!

  16. And the brother of the year award goes to.....

  17. not in the right section...

    this is a jokes & riddle section...

    anyways, as long as there was no hard impact on his head, there won't be long term effect on him...

    but consulting a specialist is the best option...



  18. Probably, also he could have some back, or neck pains, if it was small and he was cramped over.


    Yes they are going to be long term damage!

    60 seconds of getting toppled around in a small space with a high amount of heat.

    Dam right hes going to have long term damage.

    nice going big bro.  

  20. i cannot believe you do that. are you serious? or is this some kind of sick joke? my cousins best friends little brother did that and his friend DIED what the h**l were you thinking? get your brother to a freaking doctor

  21. Likely concussion, take him to the ER, NOW!

  22. I'm sure he's fine.  Was he very unruly before you put him in?  If so, you may have done him a service.  The proletariat always needs quiet, subservient drones for fodder - even better that he may have suffered brain damage, he can collect disability to supplement a salary that is bound to put him well below the poverty line.

    Did you at least put some fabric softener in there with him?  

  23. Ok, first of all, i don't think i would call that an "accident" :-p and second of all i think he'll be cousin's brother and sister shoved him in a dryer and turned it on....they also crammed him in a barrel and rolled him down a hill (i kinda fell sorry for him but when he is stupid enough/weak enough to let them do that, its kinda hard, lol ) I wouldn't worry about taking him to the ER now, its been 4 days...give him some advil/tylenol for the headache....if it doesn't stop within a week from the "accident" then i would take him, might be some internal bleeding, but i doubt it....

    Oh, and the only thing that happened to my cousin was he now had REALLY bad back problems....but a minute shouldn't be that big of a deal, just don't do it again...

    Oh, and one more thing, tell your freaking parents! i know that you'll probably get in trouble, but if your brother is really hurt, then they will need to know...

  24. you @$$!

    follow these steps::

    1. get up

    2. call youre doctor

    3. tell him what you did

    4. ask for  a good phsyciatrist (or howeva you spell it)

    5. and get help

    6. dont ever do it again

  25. It would depend on how many times and how hard he hit his head. I have been stuck in a dryer and then turned on before too, I had a bit of a headache for a day then it was gone. So it is probobly not permanant. This is the wrong place for this question, by the way.

  26. You idiot why would you do that!!!! Take him to the doctor he might have gotten interference with radiation waves.  

  27. lol you didnt do that bec ur not that stupid - u just want to know how people would react. unless u really r stupid and did put ur brother in the dryer.

  28. Its possible, but why would you be that stupid to put your little brother in a dryer. For the health of your little brother take him to a doctor

  29. You, my friend, are what we call people that have no common sense.  Why would you put a person in a drier?  That could and probably did seriously damage him, physically and/or mentally.  And I would put this in the medical forum, not the jokes forum.

  30. r u f***ing kidding  me!! why the h*** would u do tht for... and yeah im not surprised tht he's having terrible headaches and maybe thr's a longterm damage! and sometimes these pains go away but they respond to your body later in life again

  31. Take him to an emergency you stupid idiot how could you do that?

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