
Dual Citizenship- Do I qualify?

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My father was born(1964) in England to a British mother and an American Father. They moved to the USA. I was born(1989) in the USA. I'm now 18. My great grandmother (and tons of aunts uncles etc.) still live in England and hold their British Citizenship.

How do I go about getting dual citizenship?

And please dont say the US doesnt allow ANY dual citizenship, because I know you're incorrect.




  1. Your father had a right to British citizenship through his mother and American citizenship through his father at the time of his birth.  Did he ever claim his British citizenship or only the American citizenship?  Does he still hold any right to the British citizenship?  A British passport?  You would need to prove your father had dual British-American citizenships at the time of your birth to lay any claim to the British citizenship by birth to a British citizen.

    BTW, it not a matter that American law does not "allow" dual citizenship, it is that the US does not "recognize" dual citizenship.  A holder of dual citizenship has to enter and exit on their US passport and the other citizenship is basically irrelevant.  And dual citizens remain subject to US tax law and must pay US taxes on worldwide income whether they reside in the US or not.

  2. You are British by decent if u father still holds his British passport. Please contact the UK Embassy with,

    1) Your Birth certificate.

    2) Your father's British Birth Certificate & his British Passport.

    3) Your father & mother (parents) marriage certificate.

    And apply for ur own British Birth certificate. My only concern is that u are already 18, because when one is British by decent, his paper work must be applied for before he/she gets 18 & u are already 18. You may have to go through ancestry visa route now, but still try what I said above.

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