Myself and my husband are British but live in the US. My daughter was born in the US and has a US Birth Certificate and Passport. After having trouble last year at English immigration, flying back into the UK from a holiday in Spain we decided to get her a British passport also which was very easy. My question is, is she automatically a British Citizen too or do I have to register her Birth with the British Embassy in the US? My friend gave me some forms for registering the birth with the Consular Registry at the Brit Em in Washington but this costs $102 and doesn't give any details as to what benefits this gives us. I have tried to call them but keep getting passed around. Does anyone know if we need to do this, or is having both passports enough. I suppose if we ever moved back there then there could be problems getting her in the system, national insurance number, medical card etc, is this what the Birth Register would be for and is this dual citizenship or is that automatic?