
Dual layer dvd question?

by Guest44859  |  earlier

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I bought some dual layer dvd+r's however i am confused with the capabilities of these dvd's, can I compress two dvd's with menus and all the features? and as far as dvd recorders are concerned is there diffrennces in either sp, slp, or lp quality wise?




  1. Hi creamy goodness ,

    The dual layer DVDs will allow you to burn up to 8.5 gig of data as opposed to the standard DVD of 4.7 gig.

    You can fit two movies on the dual layer.

    Your DVD recorder will automatically adjust the playback speed based on what you recorded.


  2. dual layer dvd all it ist gave you about 2x more space than regular dvd, but is costly.  And soon will be replace by blu-ray disk anyway.  Most DVD and 360 games use dual layer disk.

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