
Dualists, what, in your opinion, is the best evidence in support of the existance of the soul?

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  1. experiencing it

  2. Inter-dimensional trans locality and I'm not a dualist in the Cartesian tradition but a tripartian in the ante-Socratic Greek sense that I believe we are body, soul, AND spirit.

  3. Hm.  At an experiential level, shamanism has a rather rich and

    repeatable methodology for accessing and experiencing the

    Spirit World.  Such healing methods dealing with illness from "soul

    loss" are well documented by ethnologists.

    A bit more "recent" was the experiments of a physician around the

    turn of the last century.  He was on the NE US coast and reasoned

    that a soul should have mass.  And be measureable.  He collected

    some preliminary data with volunteers dying of some sort of lung

    aliments and an elborate scale system for a hospital bed.

    His work was later corrupted by personnel _claiming_ to have

    replicated his methods...but could not confirm his findings.  What they

    did was measure lab mice...and only lab mice.  The physician had

    done this as well and found no loss of mass on mice at expiration.

    With the humans, he did.  But his discoveries were too radical for the

    time and none would fund any further research.

  4. I don't what soul is! My argument is if soul exist then there must be a way to find it out through direct or indirect observation. And if it is imposibble to to do it then you must be with strict logic which is for me is a big bet.

    The question about souls is interesting. I have also talk some things in my site and I want to consider this one.

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