
Dubai Local women????

by Guest58919  |  earlier

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I was wondering why the local girls in dubai shape their entire eyebrows and clean their eyebrows, but leave the unibrow part in the middle. can someone who actually knows why explain so i can understand the significance if any.




  1. the other answerer may be correct however one thought i had, having lived there for 12 yrs and been married to a local they are not supposed to pluck their eyebrows till they are married if they are younger then maybe they think that it wont be noticed they have done it if they leave this bit. i have never seen any women when i was there with a unibrow or head of any reason for it to be left like this.   from what i know they are very keen to remove all excess hair face arms legs and everywhere.

  2. I agree they r not allowed to "pluck" until marriage.
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