
Dubai VISA extension

by Guest67071  |  earlier

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My dubai VISA was applied as per old VISA regulations and the VISA will expire end of this month completing 2 months. Can I extend my old VISA for another month since the new VISA regulation are in place?




  1. Everybody in the UAE is in transition period right now and as what others feel as the moment is the same as what yours.

    Per the new VISA Law - you can't renew it. It's clear that old Visit Visa issued are no longer extendable more than 30 days. And that the person has to comeback to his/her original place prior to arrival to Dubai. Meaning no more Kish, no more Oman/Qatar Visa change round.

    However, the system is still in chaos as what I know - there's no harm in trying to extend it. Try to apply for an extension and worry later - if you indeed has to worry. Check the Immigration counter and see for yourself.

    I hope you get the extension you need.

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