
Dubai in the Summer - Too Hot??

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We are going to Singapore in the beginning of July - But we were thinking of making a 3-day stop in Dubai. I know it can be seriously hot there at this time, so is it a silly idea to stop there?

The kids are mad for waterparks/Swimming and things, so thats what we would be after....

Anyone been there at this time of the year before? How'd you find it?




  1. Have been to Dubai many times and last August when i got off the plane it was 119 Degrees F and this was at 11pm, it is horribly hot!!!! and HUMID, i live in houston, texas and thought it was humid there.

    Good luck

  2. Dubai gets very hot in summer. From experience i reckon about 50 degrees c. If you do go then wild wadi or any of the beach resorts or hotels would be perfect for the kids. Wild wadi is a waterpark. A must is A/C but most hotels would have it. Load on the sunscreen and enjoy.

  3. We have been twice - once was in August and the temperature was 40 plus. But it wasn't too hot - so many cool things to do as the Dubai residents have said already.

    We stayed the first time at the hotel complex next to Wild wadi and had unlimited free access - it was a wild experience, and wet!

    I personally like the private executive beach which had super sunshades and plenty of cool drinks to order and the glass clear water was lovely - we played frisbee in the water and slipped back to cool off under the sun shades. The staff were walking around with spray refereshers of evian and would give you a quick spray to refresh. And you can go back up to your room for a siesta. I found the general pool complex areas a bit crowded for my liking.

    I think it's a great stopover break and wouldn't hesitate to do it once. (Wouldn't make it my regular holiday).

    The second time we went for a few days we stayed right in the city opposite the Museum of Dubai life, not far from Dubai creek,  and we enjoyed the pool and other facilities but also enjoyed looking at the shops, learning about Dubai life through the museum and generally taking it easy. this was very different from the 'beach' stay but equally relaxing. Just wish we had done an evening tour to the desert.

  4. I live here and I think a three day stop over would be perfect.  Wild Wadi is open and the kids will love it.  Get a hotel right on the Sea and and enjoy some sun and fun.  Yes, it's hot, but everywhere you go it's air conditioned.  There's always Ski Dubai also so cool you down.  Say say, it's not too hot and you'll enjoy yourselves.

  5. I'd think twice about it. My niece and her family live over there at present and they usually come to England for August as the outside temp over there goes over a hundred  F. A girl from my office went last summer and found it too hot. She;s half filipino and loves hot weather, nuff said.

  6. youcan if u tolerate temp of45 /48c  in desert temp may go evenhigher

  7. Hot but tolerable

  8. i lived there for 12 yrs its something u get used to but i would say if u r not used to it and/or are pale skinned u may want to think again, however u can go to waterparks etc in the late afternoon evening when its cooler but to be honest in july its never cool even overnight temps are abour 30 deg and its very humid, as indeed i believe singapore is.  everywhere inside is air conditioned but they do sometimes get p ower cuts when demand is high.   whatever u decide enjoy yr hols.

  9. It is hot, but because that is part of life in Dubai there are a lot of activities indoors. In July there is the DSS Dubai Summer Surprises festival, this is specially for kids and families. A lot of activities in the malls and a big indoor fun park: Modhesh Fun City:

    The average temperatures are min 30 C to max 40 C:

    Have a look at the 'tourist to do list' for other ideas:

    It is not silly, life here is adjusted to the hot summers, you will love it and think afterwards that 3 days was too short.

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