
Dubai transit?

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Hello friends,

Would be in Dubai for transit for five hours in October. Would be great to have a glimps of Dubai. Landing morning around06:30hrs. Could someone please suggest if it is possible to go out and see something of Dubai in four hours and back for onwards journey at 13:00hrs. Thanks alot for the reply in advance.




  1. Traffic problem is there in dubai and you may not get a taxi to come back in time and even if you get also the traffic may prevent you from coming in the correct time to airport. Dubai airport dutyfree itself is best. you can spend your time usefully there. It is very big and rated first in the world.

  2. That is a very short amount of time considering most things you would want to do should take more than a few hours. If you do decide to leave the airport, don't worry about getting visas in advance, they just stamp your passport when you leave the airport (just tell them you have a layover for the day). The Mall of the Emirates is an awesome place to hang out. Amazing shopping an an indoor ski slope. It is about a 40 minute taxi ride from the airport. There's also a number of cool souks (malls and markets) in the area. The gold and spice souks are about 10-15 minutes from the airport in the Diera area. There's also a really cool souk near Mall of the Emirates. Dubai also has amazing beaches. Good luck, have fun.

  3. Dear Magor

    Better to stay at Dubai Airport only.

    Because within the time frame of 5 hours you will not be able to come out of Airport after formalities and return to Airport after few visits is very difficult.

    The important problem is traffic in the city

    And the Airport is little far (not by distance, but driving/travelling time) from the heart of city. And you will not be able to visit even a few places of Dubai in this time... to and fro travel from Airport/City itself will take more than 2 hours in hectic traffic. And for the onward journey at least you should be there in Airport departures by 1 hour before of your departure time. So...

    Hopefully the airline people will not allow to go out if your transit time is 5 hours or less. Check with your airline personnel.

    Think well, before making a decision.

    Best of Luck


  4. that is a very short time to be able to go out and see much of dubai as u would have to be back an hr or two before yr next flight. u need to check with yr airline if u will be allowed out the transit lounge this will also depend on yr nationality if ur not british or one of the other few nationalities who dont need a visa u would have to apply for a visa to be able to do this.
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