
Dublin Boring??

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I am currently living in Dublin and I find it really boring. There seems to be nothing to do and it's full of knackers. I was told a while ago how great Dublin was, but cannot understand why. What do others think of it?




  1. ha ha dont go telling them that while you are there, irish people cannot take any negative reports about their country, especially from outsiders, i am sure there is plenty to do apart from drink. dublin is a very cultural city and caters for a variety of tastes, so maybe you are not looking hard enough.

  2. It depends on what your interested in!  What would you do in another city and what part of dublin do you live in? There are a lot of knackers alright but they're not everywhere. The problem is many people come here, go to the wrong places, bump into the wrong people and get discouraged from going anywhere.  Dublin is great. There are many things to do. It just depends on who you do them with.

  3. Too expensive.

  4. Ok to visit for a drink.Other than that.Same as you.Boring.

  5. i dont think its boring as someone who has lived there for such a short time

  6. Ah sure I dont think its completely shite!

    Great for an aul drink or 20 on the weekends, and the shops arent too bad, although you wanna be rich, when I get bored I just go to all the 'touristy' places in Dublin, like guinness storehouse and the museums (most are free) they are good for a bit of craic. You dont have to stay in Dublin tho, hop on the dart and go around the place, and dont mind those skanger yokes, just give them a large maths sum to keep them occupied and confused while you escape with your runners and mobile.

  7. Life is what you make it, no matter where you live

  8. How old are you? And what do you understand by knackers?

    The thing about Dublin is that you have to be a certain age to really enjoy it, I don't think there's much for anyone under 18 around.

  9. move to the southside! and dublin IS great. maybe its not what u expected but its still a great city  full of its own culture. dundrum town centre, stephen's green, grafton street, three rock mountains, the rds, all the sports around dublin! you obviously have visited the "rough" areas and have not experienced the real dublin

  10. All  knackers should be gassed....

  11. i love dublin, lived there all my life! i always find something to do, theres the cinema, shopping, nights out and when i was a 16-17 there was always junior nights and that in clubs. Its depends who ye do stuff with but i always have the best of craic in the city centre! and its not all full of knackers, dont judge people the way they dress. No matter where in the world you are your gunna find them!

  12. Visited it and yes it's boring!

  13. Dublin is full of scangers and they're the same as knackers.  Its unfortunate that they tend to hang around the city centre.  I know loads of people (including me) that will freely admit that Dublin is a kip.  There are nice parts to it though.  You should look into getting the DART out to Howth and Malahide.

  14. A good aspect of Dublin is it's location.  If you are tired of Dublin, it is easy to travel elsewhere for a change of scenery.  Belfast is only 2 hours away, Kilkenny is not that far away, etc.  Also, you can get direct flights from Dublin to places like Krakow, Dubrovnik, etc.

  15. enjoy life in Dublin and have a pint of Guiness on me =)

  16. Oh Great! I'm moving to Dublin this year!

    The Guinness house, Dublin Zoo, Croke Park, Wicklow Jail , Kilmanen Jail and the GPO which  is a post office with a great historical significance to it are great things to see.

    = )
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