
Dublin city council and their dog ban.?

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why have dublin city council taken the steps to ban so called dangerous dogs from their properties and parks?




  1. Its because people are tired of trampling thru dog c**p

  2. i agree that this is an awful law, u cant just decide an out right ban on some a breed, individual dogs maybe, even then its the owners fault not the dog in most cases, if someone names their dog 'assasin' it says alot about the mentality of the owner and how they feel about its dogs role,yes the dogs can do terrible damage, these dogs are trained and being obedient to owners , not bad dogs. my old dog was v badly attacked by a labrador many yrs ago, covered in cuts and bleeding and couldnt move front legs properly for weeks. my current dog is a half staff, and a real timid dog a sweet girl. before we got her i too had an ignorant view of thes breeds that was feed to me by the media. i too was worried Holly would be a cross dog, we knew we couldnt keep a dog that was a danger to others, but she is well brought up and well trained. she is a family pet not a token to instil fear, or a status object to make us look tough like some ppl do. Holly is actually scared of many dogs, 2 yorkies attacked her biting her legs she just terrified of them.

    some labs, yorkies, westies dogs, seen as lovely kids dogs can be cranky and snappy yet these dogs arent banned, are all dogs to be put down ????

  3. Yep read 80 dog breeds banned,they have to re home

    them,but not in there neck of the woods,or have them put

    down,the Rottweiler is one near the top of the list.

    Some dogs are dangerous but it beggars belief

    that they have listed 80 dog breeds

  4. at present i have a rottweiller but have had german shepards aswell. this ban comes down to peoples ignorance. just because these so called dangerous dogs are used by wrong people it gives the poor dogs a bad name. this ban is a disgrace and the council should use some of their resources to educate their staff instead of wasting it on stupid bans.

  5. because people mistreat dogs and it makes them dangerous.

    there trying to make sure people still go to these places and not have to worry about running inti a so called dangerous dog

  6. People who are incapable or unable or even unwilling to look after their dogs should be banned from owning one by DCC

    But the dogs shouldn't be banned just cos they are a particular breed

  7. I know, I think its shocking, I heard the vets said they would refuse to put down a healthy animal.  My sister has a staffordshire bull, who is just an adorable dog, its the owners mistreating dogs that make them dangerous, arggh.  Like this lists includes German Shepards!!!???

    Whats even worse about this is the ban will only apply to council estates (correct me if I'm wrong), its a 'act now-think later decision, not properly thought out, and hopefully the ban will never be enforced.

    I've a cairns cross btw

  8. It is an unworkable law and will soon be challenged. What it amounts to is this: if you can afford to buy a house in a private housing estate, you can have any dog you like. This is all about money. Because the Council are responsible for the Council estates, if you are bitten by a dog there, you can sue them. To stop this happening, they are going to round up the banned breeds. I wonder who you will sue if you are bitten by a dog in Foxrock? After all, it could be a council dog out for a walk and a bite to eat! Sorry, I shouldn't have put that!

    By the way, I think it's 11 breeds that are banned and not eighty.

  9. Probably because they don't want the residents getting savaged by them.  Most guys who go around with these dogs are using them as phallic substitutes.....

  10. I have never been to Dublin. Now I probably never will, as my dog goes nearly everywhere with me. A small minority of people devote great energy into messing with our lives. I wish they would stop.

  11. Shame on Dublin City Council - personally I would rather see people like KitKaT put to sleep.

  12. ok let's look at this  from both sides of   the fence.. I really understand and symphathise with loving and caring dog owners who have these so called ' dangerous breeds' as pets... I know plenty of people who keep pitbulls, bull mastiffs, staffies, german shepherds,  and their dogs are fantastic, really great around kids and are shy and lovely creatures...

    but I also know a few scumbags who keep similar breeds and I would cross the street If i saw them walking their dogs.. some people take great pleasure in mistreating dogs in this country and there are illegal dog fights happening all the time.. dogs are the ones who suffer as usual, and it is all down to the owners.. I think the government should have made everyone register their dog (if it's on the list)  and have the dog fitted with a microchip... either that or have the dog certified by a vet to say that it has a good temperament..( all dogs in the pound are given this test before rehoming)

    we have all seen the news reports of children being ravaged by dogs, and many of which were in their own family. nobody wants to see this happen again

    I  think the government could have taken the more compassionate approach, but as's the good owners and their good dogs who lose out

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