
Dublin or London?

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Which one would you choose to live in? I have been living in Dublin for two years. I know London as a tourist, though. So I don't have the same point of view from both cities. I am thinking in moving to London or Thames Valley area (and commute) as an experience.

For those who know or have lived in either cities, what are the pros and cons of each one? Which one would you choose to live if you could do so?




  1. London is great for a year or two just to experience. There's lots of things to do and see, great shopping, theatre, clubs. But it's a really hard place to live in. People are cold, hard, unfriendly, and couldn't care less about you. The daily commute is tiring and everything is really expensive. I'd say go to London for a year, but return to Dublin.

  2. I live in Dublin but have only ever visited London, depends on yourself really,

    I mean London is far far bigger and more stuff so if thats what you're into, but also bigger in a more packed with people and cars and all, personally I dont like living in cities, I suppose there is only really one way for you to find out!

  3. Dublin is VERY expenisve but everyone there likes it but people in London just want to leave

  4. I am from NZ and am currently living in Dublin and cannot stand the place. It's sooo boring.

    London is much better. More things going on and the english are much better then the irish.

    Dublin prices are ridiculous too.

    London all the way.


  6. It really depends on what you are looking for.I'm in Ireland.I know both cities.I'm married to a Londoner and have two sons living in Dublin.Lots of Londoners are wanting to get out of London now.It's a pretty soulless place.Dublin still has a homely feel.London has better clubs and is far bigger so more opportunities for jobs but I'd say it's dearer than Dublin.

    I'd say Dublin.

  7. It's Dublin then !

  8. Because you asked this under Dublin section, most people will say Dublin. I really like London though. There is a lot more to do in London than in Dublin. I have often thought Dublin to be a mini London. I guess you might get sick of the amount of people packed into London though.
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