
Dublin.the fairest city of them all.does any 1 have any reason 2 disagree?

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dublin folk are very proud




  1. Not me.  I went to Dublin for my honeymoon...It was awesome !  Thanks

  2. I disagree and I was born there. Obviously so were you and you have never left it.

    Dublin is at best a mediocre city. At worst it is a dangerous violent city.

    Go for a holiday.

  3. I dont know what they have to be proud of. Dublin is a kip. Full of drugs and crime. If they are not trying to steal your bag or phone they are begging you for money for their next hit. I worked their for two years and hated it. Plus the fact that the dublin criminals are getting tired of offending up their and are coming down the country to break into homes and banks and post offices. It happened only last week in a post office and they drove back to dublin and dumped the car. As everyone I know says, bloody dubs. Now I know all dubs are not like this, just all the ones we hear about.

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