
Duck dive or turtle roll??

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on a 7'10'' epoxy board I'm thinking a roll but at what height should you start to duck dive??




  1. Turtle roll.

    you'll actually look dumb if you try duck diving on a longboard, because you won't be able to do it.

    Turtle rolls will even make you look like you know exactly what your doing.

    Surfing isn't about what other people think, its about having fun.

    : )

  2. A lot of it depends on how big the surf is, and how buoyant that board is. You should be able to do either, depending on conditions. I was out five times this weekend, and I duck dove, turtle rolled and paddles through, all depending on the wave, where I was (and i how tired I had gotten). I don't think I could give you honest, "duck dive at five feet' type rule of thumb, if you are talking wave size. If you are talking board size, I duck dive all the time on my Lost 7'8" SDII, but rarely on my 7'8" custom fish (too fat and buoyant).

  3. depends on the person and the board, it can very greatly b/w boards. bu for the most part the thicker the board its going to be harder to duck dive. and if you a small person its going to be even harder, theres no one answer to this question

  4. def turtle it.

    a board def has to be under 7 feet before you start considering to duck dive it. id say maybe even closer to 6 feet

  5. learn em  both.

  6. dont turtle rolll !!!!!!!!!! it looks soo dumb and no one achually does it !!!! or u can do it and look like a kook lmao

    well u cant do much on that board just try ur best to pattle out

    u can duck dive on a short board that is light enuff for you to push under the on going wave

  7. With a board like that id lean more towards turtle roll. They might not be the "coolest" thing to do but who cares they work and theylle get you out there. and once your out there maybe try a few ducks dives in the line up during the lulls

  8. well i kno epoxy dosnt float good fo rshort boards but i dont know about 7'10''

    but yeah just baised on the length of teh board turtle roll

    i cant even duck dive my 6'3''

    but im like 4'11''


  9. turtle

  10. There is no way you can duck dive a 7'10 Epoxy. First epoxy is very floaty and hard to duck dive. Second the board is to long to duck dive. Definitely Turtle roll!!! You should start to duck dive at about 6'6'' or so. Depending on your height, weight, and etc. maybe a little longer or shorter. Good Luck and enjoy surfing.

  11. turtle, that board is way to big to duck. Unless its extremely thin and narrow. Try ducking it might work, but it probably won't.

  12. Turn Turtle. You can start duck diving shortboards when they are about 6'5ish,

    The Surfboard Man

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