
Duck egg cracked will it still hatch? PLEASE HELP MEE!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my duck egg was sitting in its incubator and

something a bit heavy fiell on to it

too my suprise it only cracked on the very tip like across

stuff leaked out of it

then i patched it up wit scitch tape

itr has dents around the crack area

it doesent seem like this would kill it






  1. I am going to say the chances of it hatching are zero to none. We have raised and hatched chicken eggs several times, with the hen doing the work , and any time there has been a cracked egg it has never hatched. The damage is done when the egg cracked and the membrane broke that is enclosing the yolk sac.

  2. sorry to say but No the duckling will not hatch out in fact by now, it is probably dead.......

    patching it up will NOT help. I'm afraid

    The stuff that leaked out would be the yoke which the growing duckling NEEDS to grow and  survive on until it hatches and becasue the yoke leaked out it shows the membraine and sack was destroyed .. and broken ..

    with that misssing and broken , bacteria can get in .. etc

    the temperature willl plumet and not be able to be regulated.

    so I'm afraid .. at this stage it is best just to dispose of the egg

    if thie had happend on the 27th day there could have been a chance but now im afraid it's too late.

    the shell is their for  a reason...   .

    and no offence , if it was in a a incubator ... how could something  HEAVY fall on it??

    i mean you have to be careful...

  3. It depends on how much leaked out of it. An egg has just enough food and water in it to get a chick or duckling mature enough to come out. Also the embryo inside the egg is very delicate. The accident may have damaged or killed the embryo inside. On the other hand, your baby duck could just be a little shook up but other wise fine. The only thing you can do is keep it in the incubator and wait to see if it hatches. If you want to find out if the duckling inside is ok before it is supposed to hatch, try to hold the egg up to a very bright light. You'll have to use something like a projector light or a really high powered flash light. You should see a shadow inside. The shadow is the embryo. The embryo may move and let you know it's OK. If not, you can look at the egg about 4 or 5 days apart, and see if you notice a size difference in the shadow.

         Good luck and I hope your duckling is ok!

  4. If its only thee 11th day sorry the duck is probably dead. if nothing had leaked out of it then it might still have had a chance b/c the second layer would have not broken but it did. I wouldn't give up hope yet though keep incubating it and candle it again at I don't no like 14 days and see if it has died or not.

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