
Duck hatching would should i do?

by  |  earlier

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I found a duck egg and its now about 24 days old, i researched it and know that it might hatch soon (hopefully), in the last few days is there something i should do for the egg and how should i prepare for it?




  1. Have you been keeping it warm with a lightbulb, etc.

    or have you found a willing duck foster parent, if either of these hasn't happened dont get your hopes up.

  2. Have you kept it warm in incuabtor or under a heatlamp? Is it at temp of 98-100 degrees? HAve you been turning it  3 times a day? Is the egg moving or do you hear anything or see anyhting when you cxandle the egg? This is very inportant things in ordeer for it to hacth. Well you should stop turning it 3 days befor hetch so tommorrow is the last day you will turn it. The last 3 days theyre getting in hatching position. If you dont see anything its not fertile. If you see veins or a black area of some sort it could be. Listen to the egg, put it close to your  ear and do you hear anything, you should hear pecking, a noise that the beby is hitting the shell.

    If you are certain that its fertile and going to hatch. You need to get a heatlamp and a cage, like a rabbit cage with plastic bottom, and put shavings or an old towel and place non medicaed starter or some starter for all poultry. and a lil cup of ater, make sureboth arnt deep so that the baby wont drowned. The baby will tell you if he is too hot, if will stay away from the lamp if too hot and if too cold will be under it constantly. So ajust it if needed.

    need anything email me

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