have had both. There are good things about both of them.
Ducks-they are cute, follow you around, sell easier, and are fun
Chcikens-they are cute also, give you lots of eggs, and dont eat alot,
Ducks-They smell lil worse than chcikens, dont lay lot of eggs, territorial in mating season
Chcikens-They dont follow you around like ducks, can be mean if roo protects hens
I have 2 chcikens, I want to keep them but I want ducks as well but can oly choose one. I like that chcikens go back in the coop by themselves and that ducks are cutye and stuff but I dont knwo what I want. I had both but that didnt work.
I am thinking on chcikens they dont get the feed all over the place.... They stay in the yard while the ducks wonder off.
Most of you say ducks becaus ehey are cute, is that all ur looking for. how about egg production or # of babies thay have in a year.
1.) What would you choose? Why???
2.) Could you get chcikens to follw you like ducks? how??
3.) If I had chcikens, will people buy the chciks???
If you have both or one, tell me Good things and bad things about both???