
Duck or chciken, which is best for pet???

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have had both. There are good things about both of them.

Ducks-they are cute, follow you around, sell easier, and are fun

Chcikens-they are cute also, give you lots of eggs, and dont eat alot,


Ducks-They smell lil worse than chcikens, dont lay lot of eggs, territorial in mating season

Chcikens-They dont follow you around like ducks, can be mean if roo protects hens

I have 2 chcikens, I want to keep them but I want ducks as well but can oly choose one. I like that chcikens go back in the coop by themselves and that ducks are cutye and stuff but I dont knwo what I want. I had both but that didnt work.

I am thinking on chcikens they dont get the feed all over the place.... They stay in the yard while the ducks wonder off.

Most of you say ducks becaus ehey are cute, is that all ur looking for. how about egg production or # of babies thay have in a year.

1.) What would you choose? Why???

2.) Could you get chcikens to follw you like ducks? how??

3.) If I had chcikens, will people buy the chciks???

If you have both or one, tell me Good things and bad things about both???




  1. no offense why do you keep asking this same question??what you have said so far sounds good. .

    but tbh some bits make no sense at all ... I mean you said you want to sell your chickens just for the pleasure of hatching . . I mean that's like getting a dog and when it is like a few months selling it on?!!!

    also many people word wide buy chickens and poultry showing is very popular ...... almost as popular as dogs

    and chickens are not really "cleaner" then ducks ducks are actually very clean creatures. . and don't like severe or damp conditions and weather. . . People also do not buy ducks because they are cute . . they buy them for their eggs and showing and that's the same with chickens. but people also have them for a hobby.

    also roosters are NOT dangerous or mean. .

    also ducks do not SMELL at all!!! only if they are kept in bad conditions.

    and ducks are not territorial I mean come one like.

    and some duck breeds lay MORE eggs then chickens

    also another things you said chickens will not scatter food all over toally WRONG . . chickens scratch their feed everywhere if it is in a low rimmed containor ducks don't they just eat and then go

    also chickens don't stay in one place they roam all over just like mine do (they have 2 acres)

    you CAN have both together i do =)

    also you said your male ducks mate your chickens and hurt them?

    so you think then you can't keep ducks and chickens?

    Totally WRONG. . just house them seperatley . . that's what i do.

    it sounds like you have a bit to learn about fowl

    (con't take that as an offence)


    what would i chose? well at presesnt I have 34 chickens and 12 ducks . . and also 8 geese . .

    I think My favs though are . . My geese. . But that being g said I love chickens and ducks too =) In the futures though I'd love to get pheasants!

    anyway that is kind of off the point ;)

    Why?. . well i love my chickens because they are friendly, come in hundereds of different colours and breeds and varieties, are tame and are such a joy just to be around. and also provide fresh eggs to eat also it is such a lovely thing to see mother hens bring up their little ones and watch them as they grow up and meet the rest of the flock of chickens.

    My ducks I love them too ... they are not as friendly But are very interesting to watch as they go about their daily activities . . My ducks quack me Up LOL sorry for the joke couldn't resist! and also they lay lovely eggs.

    My geese . . I love too I have 8 . i love geese becasue they are tame and friendly and all have such individual charachters and in my opinion are so beautiful and elegant espescially in their pond.

    would people buy your chicks? well it depends Most people only like to buy chickens if they are full and pure bread. so if they are mixes it will be harder for you to sell them .

    also chickens and ducks are not lap pets like cats . . you cannot have one following you around that is cruel and why would they want to follow you.

  2. chicken it tastes nicer and ducks have more fat on them besides chicken eggs are nicer

  3. As a bird lover myself that has raised both types of birds I must say that is a tuff one.

    I suppose I could brainstorm some ideas and compare the two birds.

    Eggs- Ducks can be great egg layers, but personally I like chickens better. Their eggs don’t tend to be as potent either. I’m not sure about this as I didn’t get to keep my ducks through winter but it is my guess that they don’t lay as well in the winter.

    Meat- I’m am thinking that you aren’t going to eat your fine-feathered friend. But, typically if I had to pick to eat one of the two I would prefer chicken.

    Smell- It is no lie ducks smell worse, no matter what condition they are kept in they always have a bit of a smell.

    Temperament- My ducks were never as friendly as some of my chickens, and my sister and I spent plenty of time with them. Not saying that I’ve never had a worse chicken, as I have. And yes roosters can get mean no matter how nicely you raise them. I’ve had sweat roosters and extremely nasty roosters and it’s not like I raised them any differently. But you can always get a nice rooster (bigger breeds tend to be calmer so maybe a Brahma, Cochin, or Buff Orpington) from my experience production birds such as Rhode Island Red and Leghorn tend to be meaner.

    Who stays in the yard- Do you constantly want to be looking for someone, or have to put up a fence?

    Who puts themselves away at night- Birds that don’t put themselves in greater risk of danger and aren’t likely to live as long.

    Who is funnier to watch- I think they are about the same.

    Who is it nicer to keep- If you don’t have some water for the ducks to play in it isn’t very nice to keep them, as you are working against their nature. That is one reason why we gave our ducks away. The chickens worked out well as we had everything they needed.

    Who makes more money- Chickens and ducklings will sell, but considering how much they eat and that you will be raising them as pets I really don’t think you will make any money. I think you should raise them for fun. Who do you like hanging out with more? Which pen or animal do you rush over to visit first when you get the chance? I think it is tuff to give any animal that you like but you most likely know which pet is harder to part with.

    Good luck,

    Rhode Runner

  4. i would go with the chickens because they will give you eggs to eat if you do not want any thing to eat

  5. i have 4 ducks and have just bought 2 chickens.i will say the ducks are way more entertaining than the consindering selling the chickens on(as pet) because they keep jumping the fence.the ducks are messier but are easier to get away on a night.i will say i have a friend who has a chicken and it goes into their house and sits on their knees.i have found the ducks do everything that the other ducks do.they are soooo funny but i have yet to see the chickens personality.i will give it a bit longer and see if they all start to get on but if i had to choose even though they are loads messier i would choose the mesier what i mean is they love water.people say ducks dont need water but mine go wild when i put fresh water in their just finding it hard at the moment because the poor chickens are getting bullied by my ducks and they keep pinching their water.which ever you choose hours of entertainment will be yours.i have 4 pekin cross aylesbury ducks 2 male 2 female and two hens which are silkies 1 is white and the other brown.

  6. duck because i dont like chickens

  7. They're both good, but I prefer chicken....preferably barbecued!

  8. I have had my chicken from the egg and she follows me around!  She also eats A LOT!  

    I only have one so I am not sure If people would buy the chicks.  

    I love ducks, but I heard they p**p more than chickens.

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