
Duck problems.....?

by  |  earlier

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One of my ducks hatched yesterday. One just hatched this morning.. when i put my new duckling in the brooder the day old duckling kept pecking it. i put it back in the incubator.(the new duckling)..... Why is my duckling pecking at the new ?duckling





  1. Because you're stupid and bought animals without knowledge.

  2. Well, it really needs to be out of the incubator. Alot of times they are just establishing pecking order and stuff like puppies do. As long as the older one is not hurting the duckling, put them together and let them get friendly or they will never except each other.

    After thinking about it, are you sure he is pecking or is he trying to clean off the down of the other one? I have hatched a few batches and rasied over 50 ducks and never had babies actually be agressive to one another.
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