
Duck starter food?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 1 week old baby duck and i have the starter food but i dont know if im supose to but water in it or leave it the way it is let me know cause it keeps crying :(




  1. Poor thing! =(

    Leave it dry, just make sure it has plenty of water! You may also want to feed it chopped fruits and vegees. Chop them very small and thin, though! It would also enjoy some ~small~ insects and worms.

    Keep it's diet varied and talk to it in soft whispers often. Keep it nice and warm! This might keep him from crying so much.

    Good Luck! ^^

  2. !

    keep a little mirror where he stays!( it will keep him company!(i did to my duck and he loved to see another one!

    I always mix with water, its easy to swallow!

  3. You have to leave the food for the crying try putting a little stuffed toy in with might work i do that with my baby ducks and most times it has worked...he might also be wanting attention baby's like to be picked up and cuddled..when i have a baby duck or goose i am raising as a pet i let him sit with me when i am watching t.v i put an old rag on me so i don't get pooped on but they do love the attention...he will cry for a few mins after you put him back..just leave him he will be fine...if your raising him as a pet they make wonderful have fun and enjoy him..

  4. Leave it dry,make sure it has lots of water,it`s crying because it`s`ll get used to it..
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