I have 2 chcikens. Theres Jewel and Moon. Jewel is my baby, she is 1.5 years old. She was attacked be a raccoon when she was a baby and amazingly made it. She only has a stub as a foot. Moon is one of jewels eggs I incuabted befor getting rid of my rooster who was overmating her and attcking her. It hatched and she or he is pretty. I was going to get rid of the 3 month old chcik because it runs off a lot. I cant ketch it for nutten. Jewel comes running to me when I have food while the other freaks out.
I was wanting to sell the chick and get a duckling or even a gosling. They always follow you which I like. I was going to sell the 3 month old chick for only $6 and than buy a gosling or duckling.
I never had a gfoose befor though. I dont know if myy dad would liuke that, but
1.) What would you get, a Duckling or gosling? WHY?
2.) Which out of the duck or goose are more loyal and want to be wiht you rather than ther own kind?
3.) If I get one or the other, Which breed, a duck or goose will try to breed wiht my hen? My male duck hurt her, will geese do the same?
4.) Should I get a male or female goose or duck?
Thank you,