
Dude, parents for real?

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What is the big deal with us getting piercings?

They are temporary and its our body?

So why is my mom throwing a bi**h fit because i want to get my lip pierced?

Please enlighten me?

I'm sixteen btw.

And i already have a naval piercing.




  1. dude.

    your not the only one.

    same here parents are so dramatic.

    just do the school paper sign trick and get

    your lip pierced

    keep on rockin \m/

    Good Luck

  2. I thnk you are being immature. Your parents are giving you good advice. Sure a lip ring seems like a good idea now, but in 2 years you'll regret having it. It will effect job interviews and how people will percieve you. Wait until your 18, you'll probably be over it by then. That is why the age is 18. because you are more mature and can make your own decisions.  

  3. Ok you probaly dont want to hear this but, honestly facial percings could lead to scars if ever want to remove it later in life, and the mouth area is so prone to get bacteria infections and what not, jeeze if you want it so bad, just wait two more years, jeeze, belly pericing are good enough.

  4. My mom thinks they arent decent.

    Yeahhhhh :\

  5. Peircings are not "temporary"  once you have a hole in your skin and its healed.. its a permanant hole.

    Sure you can take the peircing out, but the peircing and the hole both look unnattractive.

    There is also a risk of infection with peircings.  Many jobs you will be looking at in the next few years frown upon facial peircings..  the only job I know that allows it is something like hot topic!

    What's the big deal with waiting a few years to get a peircing?  When you're 18 you can make that decision for yourself.

  6. .... because anyone who has a lip piercing is instantly given a bad rep.

    no joke. i know people who work at a hiring company and uhh yeah.... basically you have facial piercings and you don't get a job.

    no one takes you seriously.

    how about you make school and such your top priority?

  7. I TOTALLLLLLLY AGREEEEE!!!!!!!! i also had my naval pierced.. and i want my tongue! my mom is more supportive of my decisions but my dad is TOTALLY sldfjdsfsldfs. were asian so maybe thats why he is so old fashioned and always says "chinese people dont do this" C'MON! its a new decade, generation, new things! uuuugh but i think they care about us too much and dont want our face to be ruined.. and also they dont want us to be trash talked about if someone dislikes the piercing?.. idk its hard .. they prob think were just wasting money too? but at the same time im only 15.. but i dont care! i know imma get it and i know what i want .. never let anyone talk you down.. stick up for what u want.. OH and i also dont believe the whole wait till ur 18 thing, because.. well.. you might be still living with your parents while youre in college or w/e so its annoyin when they yell at you or KILL you =] so apparently.. we still cant get our own peircings till we officially MOVE OUT!

  8. I know i don't get it either, i have my navel pierced also.

    But now i want my tongue done she just tells me i need to leave things for when i'm older.

    It's like WTF?!

    I don't get parents there just like that sometimes.

    You'll just have to try and work your way around it i guess.

  9. omg i totally agree with you!

    i want my lip pierced soooo badly but my parents wont let me!

    but then they let me get my bellybutton and nose pierced! but they wont let me put a hoop in my nose, has to be a stud -_-

    its so stupid.

    and like everyone is saying jobs wont let that.. YOU CAN TAKE IT OUT FOR WORK.

    its not welded in there lmfao

  10. Basically because facial piercing (especially around the mouth) can get infected and cause horrible scars. Parents do try to keep their children safe. Isn't that horrible for you. Wait until you are 18 and then you can do whatever you want to yourself.  

  11. They're just looking out for you. Some people are stupid and judge too quickly, so if they see you with piercings they might think something negative of you. Plus sometimes they can get infected and if you get your eyebrow pierced it can damage a nerve and your eyelid will droop and there's no way to fix it, or if you get your belly button pierced it could get infected inside your stomach. Don't worry, you'll be 18 in two years and you'll be able to get piercings if you want.

  12. Simple, piercings = s*x for your mother.

    Think about it, your mother was once your age.

    She knows exactly what is going on, she's not stupid.

    She's imagining that guy who's sucking your lips and l*****g your pierced lip.  She knows that piercing, tattoos and etc. are signals to males that say, "Hey, I'm easy, let's have s*x."  Maybe you just think that piercings will make you look cool, but no, really it does send such signals to the males, your mom knows this, because she has been there and done that.  In her time, it may not have been piercings, but it was something else...  Styles change, but the messages etc. are all the same.

    There you go, that's what your mom is thinking.  When she sees you doing stuff like that, her mind reels and she sees you smoking cigarettes, then smoking pot, getting a tattoo, then getting pregnant, ... It's not about the piercing.

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