
Dude im 15 and purely irish, so should i got in a c**p LOAD o trouble for drinking on st. patricks day?

by Guest67072  |  earlier

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i know its illigal but should i get in trouble for enjoying the holiday? and i dont get drunk.....every year. : )




  1. Being Irish doesn't give you permission to be irresponsible, or to break the law.

  2. Well, just say you are very religious, because that always works. consuming alcohol for religious purposes is OK!!!!

  3. Well if your Irish I would think that your parents would be down with you drinking, but hey if you get caught drinking when you shouldn't be then you deserve to get in trouble.

    And just because your underage and you drink doesn't mean you WILL get in trouble. You CAN, but it doesnt mean you WILL.

  4. Yes tou will get introuble, but do it anyway. The laws saying what you can drink and **** are g*y! **** THAT ****!

  5. if you get caught...YES! you are underage, just because your Irish doesnt mean you have diplomatic immunity or some bs like that here! these are the laws all citizens need to abide would be the same if you were purely spanish and drank on cinco de mayo or german and celebrated oktoberfest...

  6. Um, YES...who gives a c**p if your Irish, it's illegal..

    I'm Mexican, I don't go and get drunk on Cinco De Mayo and expect it to be okay...

    Also, you're say "I don't get drunk-every year :)" like you're 30 and have celebrated St. Patricks day many many times many times in your life have you actually had access to alcohol on St. Patricks Day? like 2?

    Am I supposed to believe that at like age 13 you were already drinking and getting drunk? yeah right...

  7. Purely Irish?

    I'm Irish, I drink, it kicks @ss

    I don't care about sterotypes...

    What do you mean purely Irish?

  8. There is a saying that goes like this..." if an irish man can hold on to one blade of grass and still stay on the face of the earth he's not drunk"

  9. You shouldn't do it if you're not competent to get away with it.

  10. u shouldn't let ur parents find out. be secretive bout it. u gotta be sneaky

  11. in the us sure you will get in trouble

  12. you should not stereotype irish people like that, Even tho you are irish you should have more respect for you and your people  

  13. yes... it is called under-aged drinking...

  14. Depends on a few things. You live in the US and the US says it's illegal to drink under twenty one. And because you are fifteen, and therefore still a little on the immature side, then yes. I don't mean to offend you but drinking is more of something you should be responsible about. And I am betting you weren't.

  15. No.  You shouldn't do that even if your 18.  What's being Irish got to do with it.  St. Pat was a Scotsman you know.

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