
Dude troubleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

by  |  earlier

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Okay let's call her Jane.

Jane likes Bobby.

Jane's best friend Sara also likes Bobby.

Sara told Jane that she liked Bobby before Jane could tell Sara she liked Bobby.

Bobby likes Jane.

Bobby said he didn't like Sara.

But somehow he ended up going out with Sara.

And it sucks for Jane.

What do you think Bobby is trying to do?

Or do you think Bobby gave up on Jane and got desperate.

What should Jane do?

Have A Blessed *** Day!




  1. Bobby sounds like a total jerk.

    Deck him in the face.


    He's just looking to score.

    Sara sounds kinda douchey too.

    Like, not too much of a best friend if she can't tell her best friend likes him.

    I don't know if Jane can hide it well or not, but, I mean, it's usually obvious when someone likes someone.

    But I don't know..

  2. Bobby is a dumb *** if he goes out with girls he doesn't like.  Jane should do nothing and maybe reconsider Bobby.  If Bobby likes Jane more than Sara he needs to break up with her so he can go out with Jane.

    Maybe Bobby is trying to have two girlfriends which would be awesome for Bobby.

  3. okay?

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