
Dude what IS rugby?

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what is rugby? that is my most annoying question. and by annoying i mean it has been annoying me for DAYS




  1. Its not just a sport- its a lifestyle

  2. the best sport in the world.

  3. Rugby Union evolved from Football (soccer), other forms of football, including Rugby league, American football, Canadiean football, evolved from Rugby Union. Like any organised sport, there's a ton of rules aimmed at making the game safe and attractive. Rugby is played in 2 x 40 min halves. No tv timeouts, minimal stoppages, minimal substitutions. A game is over in just under 2 hours. (Unlike NFL which is a wee bit longer esp. Superbowl) Right now the New Zealand All Blacks are the #1 ranked team

  4. Rugby is a cross between soccer and football. Basically its football without pads.

  5. What is rugby?! Its just the coolest game ever! Its really brutal. I personally live for 7s. But the 15s are pretty cool too. You should check it out. You won't regret it. Watch a few games. You'll be hooked!!

  6. Its a sport played with two teams of 15 people.  The ball is oval shaped and the majority of play is passing the ball backwards (say 4 oclock through to 8 oclock if you were standing at 10 o clock) while running forwards.  The idea is to get the ball over the 'try' line worth 5 points.  The ball must be placed over the line with downward pressure not just kicked over.  The opposite team try to tackle the ball carrier only in order to win possession of the ball and to attempt to score a try over their 'try' area.

    There are also 'H' posts for penalty kicks worth 3 points and conversions which are kicked after a try has been scored, worth 2 points.

    Generally described as a game for thugs, played by gentlemen.  Certainly worth a look but I would advise watching with someone who knows the game and can explain what is going on as there are many laws to the game.

    Happy viewing.

  7. Rugby is a sport that is a cross between football and soccer.  There are no pads worn, and it is very brutal.

  8. Rugby is sort of like football..except no pads, and when you tackle hard! There pretty much aren't any rules, you can kick, punch, long as it isn't too noticable. Also...I think that you can only pass to the sides, not sure on that one. My history teacher used to play. Some days he'd come in with a broken nose and scraped arms..sounds painful..but its pretty fun :)

    Over and Out!!

  9. Rugby League = The greatest sport ever in the world.

  10. Rugby was started at  Rugby School, in England in 1823, when one William Webb Ellis first picked up the game ball and ran with it to the opponents' goal line where he grounded it, generally considered to be due to his lack of skill for playing the game only with his feet (i.e. soccer).   Since then the game has been shaped and re-shaped many time to its present form.   Scoring is by means of a try: 5 pts, allowing  a kick to convert: +2 pts,  penalty kick: 3pts; and a drop goal: 3 pts ( a kick at goal in open play, where the ball is dropped and then kicked as it bounces upwards).  

    Minor infractions: a scrum between two groups of opposing forwards (8+8), the ball is thrown in between them.    If a ball goes into touch it is returned to play with a 'lineout', 8+8 forwards line up for this

    Major infractions: penalty kick(can kick at goal), with a temporary sending off, or, if repeated, or particularly savage, permanent sending off, and possible suspension from other matches.

    Any pass which is forward of strictly lateral is a 'forward pass' --->scrum;  if knocked forward off the arm or hand:

    knock-on--->scrum.    Further explanation(s) would be far too space consuming; go to a rugby game with someone who knows the game, and ask him/her to introduce you to the Wonderful World and 'Family' of Rugby

  11. its the most awesome sport ever invented

  12. GOOGLE it
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