
Dude what the freak is up with this?! US Airways to charge $2 for soda, juice, water?

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Better get used to carrying lots of singles next time you fly. US Airlines is now terminating free drink service. No, not free mini bottles of Jim Beam and cheap Chardonnay, we're talking about all drinks, including soda, fruit juice, coffee, and bottled water, which will soon cost $2 each. Presumably tap water, which may or may not be contaminated with fecal coliform bacteria, will still be free.

The move is the latest way airlines are attempting to fight rapidly rising fuel prices in a disastrous economic climate. In recent months, the extra fees have come fast and furious. First came extra charges for your second piece of luggage, then came a charge for your first bag. That's not to mention extra fees for choosing your own seat, curbside check-in, booking using frequent flier miles, and the cost of the Santa Fe chicken sandwich.

The beverage fee is even more annoying than most, since you can no longer bring liquids through security at airports. You are really at the mercy of buying them on the plane, or at least buying them once you're in the terminal (which is doubtlessly no cheaper than on the plane). Alcoholic drinks will also go from $5 to $7. That's a lot for a can of Budweiser.

The fee goes into effect August 18, leaving plenty of time for the airlines to come up with other fees to nickel and dime their way to profitability. Can pay toilets be far behind?




  1. Make good friends wirth one of the screeners. Fernando is a dear. It wont affect us unless he gets fired. I say what kind of f**ketry is this.


    I think I will have a free death in a glass

  2. It IS ridiculous, esp. about the tap water!!!!  They'll prolly start charging for that too :-P  I would just suggest, aside from guzzling a bunch of water before you go on a plane, to put a water bottle or 2 in your checked bag & then drink that when you get to your destination.  That's what I do since they started banning bringing them onboard & i don't wanna buy a $3 bottle at the airport (unless i'm desperate).  I usually don't buy food/drinks at airports anyway unless it's a connecting flight & it's a long stretch.  It sucks, but we'll just have to limit what we eat & drink at airports & the airplanes :(

    I also heard about the weight limit thing, & that's a bit excessive.  I guess they're looking for ANYTHING extra to charge at this point.  Bottom line:  it's gonna be EVEN MORE expensive to fly anywhere now.

  3. Spirit Air charge $3.00 for soda can they only accept credit  or debit card only

    Southwest currently charges $3 for energy drinks, but no one is charging for soda and juice.

    Frontier Airlines get rid free snacks on its flights in favor of a plan to sell passengers a new mix of treats for $3 a bag.

    American affiliate American Eagle has decided not to charge passengers for non-alcoholic drinks on its flights

  4. I read that article, too, and they exaggerated a bit on the part about buying drinks in the terminal. It *is* expensive - about $3 for a regular-sized bottle of water - but it's not as pricey as paying $2 for a mini-sized bottle of water.

    If I were flying US Airways, I'd just buy a drink in the terminal - it's a bit cheaper, and it's not as if there's much of a choice.

    This economy does suck - and I feel like there's no end in sight.

  5. Yawn. Who cares? A lot of cheap UK airlines charge for food and drink and charge a lot more. $2 = £1 which is nothing. Get used to it.

  6. man this eally suxs just read this when i turn my computer on

    you think this suxs

    they are fixing to charge people by there weight limit nexts year to any one over the weight limit of 200 pounds are more they said all so will have to pay more to flying is starting to suck big time all to the cost of the fuel price going up

  7. The only reason that they have the liquids ban is so that people will be forced to buy water in airports. It exists for no other reason. There is nothing that resembles drinking water which can be used to construct an explosive device by a passenger on an airliner. Now the airlines have realized that they can charge any price to people, many of whom have to drink during long flights to survive. It's like charging for the air you breathe, and putting a plastic bag over your head if you refuse to pay.

  8. Ok here's the thing.  Airline tickets haven't increased in price in over five years while fuel prices have continued to climb. All airlines are going into survival mode.  There is no alternative.  Everything is now going to be al la carte.  If you want it... pay for it... The way I look at it is if they dont start charging these additional fees there aren't going to be any airlines to fly on.  They can't keep up with the slumping economy and rising fuel costs.

    Don't be mistaken.  Its not the airlines that do not allow liquids through security.  That's TSA and is not at the jurisdiction of the airlines.  Also, if you have a medical condition such as diabetes and need liquids such as juice to regulate blood sugar you are allowed to bring that through the security checkpoint.

    If you don't like the new fees.  Don't fly. Simple as that.  I'm tired of hearing everyone complain about all these charges that and nickel and dime this.  You can always drive and waste half of your vacation. Guess what... Your going to have to pay for your own drinks then too...

    Hotels have had this system for years... Pay for what you use...

    It's not the ailines responsibilty to feed you and give you drinks.  It's their responsibilty to get you where you want to be.

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