
Dudes is running over a caterpillar a major on a driving test?

by  |  earlier

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The little *******!




  1. If you can get the caterpillar to a vet, or give it a good send off (if he didnt make it) and inform the police and local authorities, have the car looked at for damage and try to seek out and inform its next of kin.

    I'd say you've done all you can.

  2. Depends. If its the bug, I'd say no. If you hit a bulldozer, I'd say yes. =P

  3. Of course!  Absolutely!

    See, caterpillars eventually turn into butterflies, which flap their wings, and affect the weather on the other side of the globe, and next year they might really really need rain in the Philippines, and you don't want to be responsible for crop failure and widespread famine, do you?  Didn't think so.

    So watch out for the caterpillars, next time.

  4. It is for the caterpillar!

  5. you think you he her has a problem with a caterpillar assuming it's the bug type, try hitting a big big big fox at 70 mph on a motorway!

  6. it's just a bug...

  7. If you like caterpillars.

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