
Due 9 days before my other childs birthday?

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I am due on Oct 22nd, and my Daughters b-day is Oct 31st. Yep Halloween! When should I plan her b-day party for? Should I wait until after I have the baby to have a real b-day party with all her friends, and still just have a small party on her b-day at the house? Anyone else have kids with b-days this close together? What did you do?




  1. Maybe you can have early her birthday party before you due? or on her birthday you can invited small party by your house and set a nice dinner, have a cake, and all that.  

  2. I would just have a very small, low-key party at your house on her bday.

  3. I'd try and have it early.  You are forgetting how you will be feeling and you won't be up to having a party after you have the baby!  I'd try and have it on the weekend of the 18th.  I doubt she'll mind celebrating early.  My due date was the 31st, but I didn't have her til the 12th of Nov.!

  4. If you're due on the 22nd you could have the baby as much as two weeks earlier or two weeks later, it all depends on you and your recovery.

    October 31st is on a Friday this year, if I was you I'd plan to have a gathering on the 1st, which is the Saturday.  I'd probably make it just a small gathering of family and friends, but that's your decision to make!

    Good luck!

  5. My mom and her brother are one year apart to the day.  My two older sisters are 10/22/74 and 10/25/76.  We always celebrated their birthdays separately when we were younger, but never could afford real parties with kids.  Now that they are older, we celebrate a joint birthday.  I'd say it will be easier to get the big party out of the way before you give birth (if it doesn't look like you could go early) than to wait until those early weeks with the new baby.

  6. I am due with baby # 3 on jaunary 28 and and my other son will be 3 in Feb 3... so far really have no idea how i am going to pull it of, but I have a sense that this baby will not even get close to the due date as all my kids have been between 3 and 6 weeks early

  7. I'd have your daughters party about 2 weeks before her actually birthday. This will be a good idea if your baby comes early, but he/she could also come late.

    My twins are due 3 days after my daughters 1st birthday!

  8. My son was born 6 days after my daughter's b-day, and we just did a small party for her at home, with the family. cause I didn't want to risk planning a big party and me missing it. But if you want to do a big party I would do it before you give birth, maybe a week or two, cause after the baby is born, that will be the last thing on your mind.

  9. Haha! Yeah, my sister and I are 4 years apart... to the day. My mom went into labor with her at my second birthday party. My advice to you is to have a little party at home on her birthday. I mean, it sucks to have your birthday overshadowed by a new arrival and if you don't have a little birthday party for her at least, then she might think you forgot it, or that she's not as important anymore, or something like that. I could be wrong, but I know I was secretly mad at my little sister for the first month because she took my day away. No reasoning with kids on those things sometimes.  

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