
Due date calculated?

by Guest60366  |  earlier

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I have a short question to ask ...

This is Doctor estimate calculate

My last day of period: 11/21/07

Average Length of cycle: 28 days

Due Date: 8/27/08

----But the thing is, my length of cycle is 34days .... since i've been trying to conceive for 2 years, so i really tracked down my period cycle ...and i'm for sure that i have my period every 34days ...

Last day of period: 8/21/07

Average Length of cycle: 34days

Due Date: 09/02/08 ...

... Ok now, i am 3 days from Dr due date, but no sign of contractions, not even B.H ... no mucus loss .... my cervix completely thinned ... but no pain :-) kinda weird ^_^ ... So do you think I should follow my due date or Dr. due date ? Thanks for all of you answers :-)




  1. What was the first day of your last period?  Add 7 DAYS to that and then subtract 3 MONTHS from that date.  That's how most docs calculate due dates...

    But anyways.  Baby will come when ready, despite what days anyone comes up with!

  2. You probably confuse your doctor too.

  3. Flip a coin and your chance of being right will be as close as the one the Dr. gave you.

  4. u seem to be closer ur date hadn't passed but it will come when it wants too.

  5. count forward from the time you had unprotected s*x lol due dates are only an estimate anyway

  6. You are full-term so it really doesn't matter which due-date you go by the baby can come any time now and be just fine.  Sounds like you have confused your Dr with all your math on your due-date.  They go by LMP so if you know that and tell them LMP they will set a due-date on that unless an early ultrasound determines the due-date should be different because unless you are testing for ovulation you wouldn't know for sure when you ovulated.  I would just go by your Dr's due-date to be safe because you don't want to think you are right and go over to far and risk problems, many woman go over due-date so that doesn't mean your DR is wrong.  

  7. A due date is a guess, at best.

    So, it really doesn't matter what date you go by ... as long as everything is fine, your baby will be born when it's ready ... no sooner, no later.

  8. due dates are just estimates. i was told that my baby was coming june 12th, he was born on the 8th. my aunt was told her baby was coming on june 24th then the 21st then the 23rd... he came on the 21st. my friend was told her baby was oging to come on aug 15 and he arrived aug 17th.

    so really it could be tomorrow... it could be in a week.

    good luck!!

  9. I'd go with yours. Especially since you know your body more than anyone and also because it's now 3 days past your due date and there are no signs of labor. Just hang in there!! Either way you should be expecting it to start pretty soon!

    Congratulations by the way I hope he or she is healthy and beautiful!! <333
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