
Due date calculates wrong?

by  |  earlier

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well i am suppose to be only 27 weeks but have actually looked on all my notes and stuff when my last period was and it says that my last period was in January not febuary and i have given all the docs and midwives the feb date and not the january date my dates going to be an issue for all the tests i have already had done for down syndrome and stuff and should i be telling the midwives that i made a mistake as i am by my last period 31 weeks pregnant not 27 .....i am confused and worried...




  1. Well, they should have been able to do measurements at an earlier ultrasound and been able to tell about how far along you are.  Maybe you aren't as off as you thought you were.  If you have concerns, mention them to your doc.

  2. I agree. They would have been able to tell that you were further along by the ultrasound. They are pretty accurate.  Remember, the whole process from sperm meets egg to implantation to the uterus takes 2 weeks. So this is why you may think you are more pregnant than you are.  What you are talking about would be a whole month (4 weeks) off. They would have definitely been able to tell that by now.   Do you know how to actually manually calculate from your last period? if not, i will let you know.

  3. well in my case the doc measured the baby when they did the first ultrasound and gave me the exact date.

  4. if u have told em wrong date than the ultrasound should be able to tell the rite date why u worring so much its ok u can let them know its not that big deal...


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