
Due ewe laik two confoose tha spel chekker?

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Due ewe laik two confoose tha spel chekker?




  1. The spell checker confuses me.How did it get so bad?Too much coffee perhaps?

  2. Sumtymes I doo trie two and yt confooses da h**l owt of me ! Gud jobb yew can spel propurley tho !

  3. Yes and it's a lot of fun.

  4. LOL !!  What a Crock !!

    OLL !!  Hatw a Orcck !!

    Hmmmmmm how strange that

    it did not pop up at all ,

    OMG !!  Maybe I Broke IT !!!!!

    LOL !!

  5. Yse, I lvoe ot od taht, oll !!

  6. Yup. It's dum anyhow, dusn't evan let yoo finnish typing a word b4 that anoying baloon pops up.

  7. oooo yah eye luhv two dew thaht

  8. lol - ye'as I doo - it gives interesting words to insert.

  9. Yip sir eeee...A luv it ta bitzzz :L lmao

  10. know. Eye halve moore funner eye Dias.

  11. Ai do - itt dusn't like mee putin lol (laff owt lowd) har har x

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