I've packed his things he'd need, at most 2days worth. I have his diapers and clothes ready, packing his favourite foods, sending him with his favourite dvd, music cd, story book, and stuffed animal. We had a playdate today with our sitter (she has a 2yo, and 7mths), and there's alot that my son isn't used to (he's 16mths) he doesn't have much experience with other kids, let alone a crying baby (which seemed to have been the hardest part of the visit for him). what are other things I can do to help him feel more comfortable when I have to go to the hospital? a great number of playdates isn't possible. the sitter lives on other side of town and I am 38wks, unable to get around much.
this is my only option for when I go into labour, so suggestions about alternatives aren't going to be accepted.
he's never been away from me for more than an afternoon (even then, he's at his dad's) and never away overnight... not to his recollection anyway.