
Due to a medical condition i am unable to drive. ?

by  |  earlier

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My 3 best friends all drive and they all take it in turns when we go places. I am now being left out because i am not taken my share in the driving. I feel so upset becsuse they are having fun and i get left out. i offer them money for petrol but they say its not the same as driving. What shall i do?




  1. Couldn't really call them friends could you? Get rid.

  2. Do these friends know of your medical condition that prevents you from sharing in the driving? If so, what kind of friends are these? You should talk to them and tell them, that you feel left out and there's nothing you can do but offer money to compensate. If they don't agree to any kind of compromise, then it proves the value of their friendship.

  3. get new mates.

  4. That is the stupidest thing i have heard!! They cannot call themselves your 'best friends' if they wont allow you to join them. You need to express this to them. Don't be afraid of losing them because it sounds like you have nothing to lose!

    You should find some other people to go out with once in a while, have some fun, don't hold back just because they're supposed to be your best friends.

    Hope you solve this problem, 1 way or another. xx

  5. I was unable to drive for one year due to a medical condition after that I was allowed to drive. My friends were cool with the fact that I could not drive and  paid them back with a few curry's and things when we went out. They thought that this was a good deal so try this, of course petrol prices have risen since then. Another thing I did was to insure my car for one of my mate's to drive this kept my car on the road and taxed which saved a lot of paper work.

       One thing you should remember is it's your health not there's you need support and if they can not see this it's time to find others to go out with but don't give up.

  6. do they know about ur medical condition?

    if so.. then find sum real friends

  7. tell them thanks for your help and support, then go find some real friends

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