
Due to my silly job, I have to stare at a computer screen all day.?

by Guest63940  |  earlier

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Does anyone else in my situation find that they are developing fuzzy vision?

I am too good-looking to wear glasses. Noooooo!




  1. The HSE laws in the UK do not allow for you to stare at a computer screen all day. You should have no more than a few minutes at anyone time.

  2. Take all those breaks as advised before me, but also try changing the colour of your screen, you know the way in word the page is white? Well its like that in most browsers, just go into display in control panel and readjust the colour to something not so bright and it should help with the fuzziness! Also if you have to get glasses (and they can be very flattering!) make sure to get anti-glare on them for the pc, good luck x

  3. My sister gave me a tip. Every 15 minutes, stare at the thing furtherest away from you in the room, and focus on it for a few seconds to exercise your vision.

    Best if you have an attractive workmate, and can cast your gaze onto her voluptuous cleavage - at least you have a good excuse. (remember to duck if she goes to slap you!)

  4. give your silly job up for someone who will treat it with more respect.

  5. Yes me to.....

    And guess what... went for an eye test last week and I'm now a glasses wearer having had perfect vision all my life!!

    OK... so I only have to wear them for driving but even so!!

    Do you think we could claim some sort of compensation?

  6. And here's me doing it just for fun

  7. It the uk, you are entitled to a free eye test paid for by your company.

    If you find that you need vdu glasses, most companies will make a contribution.  

    You only need to wear these when working at a screen.

  8. you say you are too good looking to wear glasses

    what is more important to you your vainity or your sight

    get your eyes tested if you lose your sight you will soon find out how important it is

  9. Do you work for Yahoo Answers? Seriously if you get fuzzy vision you should have your eyes checked or take more breaks.


  11. Yes i am at a computer without a break except for a toilet break for 5 hrs a day and id o get that blurry vision and have been to the opticians but my eyes are fine!

  12. I am also on my computer all day and at first I did get these problems... I reorganised my desk and pushed the screens as far as i cam and it feel much better.

  13. Every 40 minutes or so, take a one minute break, and focus on something in the distance. This will help prevent the "fuzzy vision"

  14. Yes thats a problem associated with staring at a computer screen. It compresess part of your eye as you are using it for close focusing all the time, so perhaps exercising your eyes with long vision may help as well as dont be too close to the screen. I find myself constantly being too close without realizing it and then have to remind myself to back back.

    Also check the brightness and contrast, they may be set too high, I just turned mine right down and it seems easier to read.

    Its interesting that you say you are too good looking to wear glasses, a harmless comment, meaning that you want to do something to prevent that from happening, quite understandable, just a light hearted "Im too young to die" sort of comment but some idiots come along and twist it around to mean something completely different, as if you are some vein person that thinks more of their looks than their health. Some people just shouldnt be classified as human.

  15. Pretend the screen-saver is an epic mini-series

  16. Take regular breaks looking away from the screen. Go to your optician and get your eyes checked you van still look good in glasses but contact lenses is another option

  17. Take regular breaks from the screen - apart from your eyes, your body will keep stiffening up the longer you sit all day.

  18. I empathise with you.

    Just remember that your good looks have a price too ok. Talk to a doctor to see if you are doing any permanent damage to your eyes. No good being good looking if half of the effort in attracting good looking partners is lost because you cannot see them right?

    If you cannot afford to talk to your doctor, ask them to change your computer screen to:

    a) bigger

    b) crisper

    c) Flat (as in TFT display)

    d) low radiation

    e) all of the above.

    Sue them if they dont.

  19. yeah my head is spinning

  20. Just make sure you take a 10 minute break from your screen every hour - that's the H&S Executives recommendation, so your employer can't argue!

  21. Hey now, I spent most of my life wearing glasses- the dorky government ones at that!  "I am too good-looking..."  blah.  Sounds like someone's got ego problems.  :-P

    When I hit High School, I got sick of the ugly glasses, worked, saved up, and purchased some armani glasses.  They looked good on me... but I still liked my contact lenses- that's an option for you should your eyes need correction.  Well, eventually getting sick of those too, I jumped on the opportunity to get PRK when the Air Force decided to do it for free.  :)  I did that, and now my only glasses are sun glasses!

    Anyway, I stare at the computer screen all day too- as does just about anyone in this day and age.  It does suck.

  22. Get a TFT and your eyes wont hurt

  23. me too

  24. Perhaps you could do eye excercises?  Yoga has a few I think.  Just pretend you are staring through the wall at the horizon for a few seconds every couple minutes.  Maybe you're getting old though.  Do your parents wear glasses?

  25. wear contacts then.

    If you're 'too good looking" as you claim that you are, it wouldnt be a bother then. Because anything you wear will suit you perfectly

  26. i don't use computer for a living mine is purely for and when i wish to switch on, but i do find that although i don't get smeared vision i do find my eyes go out of focus temporarily when i look away.  H&S do lay down rules for your protection so perhaps you should bring this to your employer, he might get you a more suitable screen. someone above took you serious about  your "good looks" good luck

  27. find another job then.

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