
Due tomorrow, still no signs of labor...?

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I feel perfectly fine, I went walking earlier, we've tried s*x, nipple stimulation...just about everything I have heard that works...and still..nothing. Did any of you just start having contractions and go into labor like out of the blue?...feel fine 1 min and the next your in labor?




  1. I went to the doctor on an October Friday and he said I was 2 cm and 70% effaced.  And, he said, "You should have that baby this weekend."

    I was really ill with that man when Monday morning rolled around and I hadn't had the first contraction.  It wasn't until THURSDAY morning that I started to have a back ache.  Moving around didn't help, curling up in bed with a good book didn't help.  Answering half a dozen phone calls from relatives in distant states who said, "Haven't you had that baby yet?" SURELY didn't help.  It was late afternoon before that back ache became recognizable as contractions.  And my strong-willed redheaded daughter took her sweet time, let me tell you!  She was born Friday afternoon, 24 hours after I realized it was labor.

    But you know those TV shows where a woman grabs her stomach and starts groaning?  Baloney.  You don't go from absolutely no labor at all, to screaming and pushing within a minute or two.  But you just might go from feeling just fine one minute, to having a recognizable contraction the next!  Or feeling fine one minute and then having your water break unexpectedly.  No matter how it happens, it's going to be an adventure.

  2. My daughter was a week and a half late.  I felt great the whole pregnancy and tried everything i could do to induce also but it just didn't help.  Well one day as my in-laws show up because I was supposed to be induced the next day, my water broke.  No warning, no anything to let me know.  I was sitting on the chair and here it came.  My problem was my contractions never started either.  When i got to the hospital they had to induce me anyway.  I hope you aren't worried about any horror stories because my labor went wonderfully.  I actually got to go to sleep for 5 hours of it and they had to wake me up and tell it was time to push.  I had no pain and no problems.  I hope you have they same easy experience and enjoy your new baby.  Congratulations!!  The best thing is be patient and let it happen.  

  3. I did, we tried everything too my due date was two days away and I lost my mucus plug but other than that no signs of labor I went to bed on Wednesday night and around 9 Thursday morning I woke up because I was having contractions just felt like really bad cramps, That was the first sign and sure enough we went to the hospital and I had my daughter that night. I walked SO MUCH, And didnt seem to help make the baby come any sooner lol hang in there!!! Get some rest till then!


  4. possible you may be a few days late. It's no big deal.  Modern medicine is amazing.  Congradulations and good luck.

  5. Yes I did.....I worked that day and came home, felt fine....then it hit me and I went to the hospital and had her 6 hours later....Good luck

  6. i am not sure about othe women and i havent had my baby yet, but i do already have contractions about 2-3 times within 24 hours. it mean snothing though it can go on like that for weeks..i am 36 weeks along.

    i am surpirsed s*x hasnt helped u. cuz its supposed to soften everythign up and help speed up teh process of labor. did he *** inside of u? cuz it really is a proven fact that it does help..hmm weird..

    good luck though. just walk walk walk ..try more s*x and hopefully u will start going into labor soon. :-)

  7. s*x is usually a big stimulant in starting labor. Usually a woman will feel slightly discomforted at first and then labor gradually progresses through the night.

    If you're a new mommy, the reason could be that your body is still working its natural process to prepare for the big moment! Or maybe you have a stubborn little one and she's just not ready to come out yet! Enjoy your last remaining moments of peace and congrats!

  8. Yes! I went in for my doctor's appointment and he said I wouldn't have the baby for at least another week....I went into labor the next day! I was standing in my kitchen and started having contractions and then my water broke 2 hours later! I got to the hospital and had my daughter within 4 hours:)

    It will happen soon enough! I know how anxious I became at the end of each of my pregnancies, especially when I was carrying in the hot summer months. I wish you the best of luck and very healthy, happy baby!

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