
Due white men really believe they evolved from apes....?

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evolvolution theory, one size fits all ebony mag., time, newsweek, the bible,congress libary




  1. I don't understand the question.  We all evolved from apes.  What does colour have to do with it?

    You are right Michael B.  Oversimplification on my part.

  2. All white men have the same beliefs on where we have come from and what started us. COUGH.

  3. i don't think that we evolved from apes, i think that evolution theory is the human way of explaining where we came from.  it is easier than believing in something that we can't see or causes us to have faith.

  4. Your question is weird.  Sounds like you think its stupid for a white man to think we evolved from apes but normal for anyone else?  Hmmm

  5. "Bonobos, or pygmy chimpanzees, live only in the Congo River Basin and are notable for using s*x for greetings, reconciliations, and favors for food.

    The apparently thriving new population may owe its success to its location—partly within a private ranch—and to the local Bateke people"

    "We consider them human, our ancestors," a Bateke man said. "We don't eat them, and we don't kill them."

  6. Invariably someone gets this wrong.  We did evolve from apes but the ones we evolved from don't exist today.  We have common ape ancestors.   If you look at the structure, and the DNA in a subjective way, you cannot deny the similarities  between humans and other apes.

  7. Man did not evolve from Apes.  Both Apes and Man evolved from an earlier creature.

    I don't hear people claiming that different colored cats are different 'races' of cat.  Why do they do when it comes to people?

  8. i do not beleive that we evolved from apes

  9. White or otherwise, we "due" not evolve differently based on our color. Our skin and eye colors were an environmental adaptations to our geographical surroundings.

  10. I do. The orangutan has red hair.

  11. lol, alot o people think that. but i believe in the adam and eve thing.

  12. Men did evolve from apes and monkeys just not modern ones.

    All humans share a common ancestor very recently and all are equally related to all other animals on the planet.

  13. That isn't what evolution teaches.

    Humans and apes share a common ancestor.

  14. White men, white women, and men and women of all races believe this.  Also, there are people in every race who _don't_ believe this.  Scientific theory and the rejection of it don't run across race lines.  Why do you assume that they do?

  15. Some Indians, some Chinese, some Japanese, some Whites, some a word some 'anybody' dont subscribe to the theory of deriving from apes.

    Apes are our immediate animal ancestor. Take note of that Michael B.

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