Hi! Sandrew
Hope you can get a solution to this, I don't know if you had something like this before. I have searched the web over & over and can not find a solution.
Some background:
I installed xp on a 30gig Ide hhd (C:) then vist ultimate on 80gig Ide hhd (F:) (ran it as duel boot system - worked very well), used a 120gig Sata hhd (D:) for backup date & 250gig sata hhd (E:) for music files.
Found Ide hhd for vista tooooo slow. Using norton ghost 14 made backups of both os & saved the backups on 250gig hhd.
Then restored the ghost image of vista to the 120gig sata drive (after coping all the data to dvd discs and formatting the hhd and removed the drive letter in comp management / disk management (In both os) and the hhd appeared to be hidden before the restoration)
Restart & would go back to the 80gig hhd for vista os, so I unpluged the 80gig hhd and restart...XP boots just fine but vista gave me error and asked for repair with vista cd & restart. Ran the repair to the boot setup and the got vista to boot, up to welcome screen - enter the password and the screen turns blue (But not the regular BLUE SCREEN) and massage apears "prepairing desktop". On Ctrl, Alt, Del I select to run task manager ( to set Shell=Explore.exe in the registry as some sugested) but nothing apears but the blue screen even if I run the task manager.
Booted from vista disc again ran repair my computer with nothing but the same blue screen.
So not a pain I said I'll plug in the 80 gig hhd, unplug the 120gig hhd and the system will run like before, booting sould not be a problem because I now had 2 hhd's with the same drive letter, but must just plug or unplug one at a time before restart.
To my suprise I could now find the same blue screen on the 80gig hhd(Vista version) (I never changed any thing on this drive except unplug it) so I think the problem is in xp or in the boot setup.
By the way in xp I can still see the 120gig hhd in disc management but not in my computer and now suddenly the 250 gig hhd can not be found at all, although I found it in ghost but it is unavailable. Problem is that the ghost images to restore is on that hhd!
Have not looked @ Bios yet, but do you think thats the route to go? and is there a way to see hidden hhd's
Can do a clean installation of vista but its painstaking to install all the app's again and, and, and....all the e-mail date etc. is still in there
1. Is there any hope of fixing vista and xp for that matter at all?
2. If I do Vista fresh will I be able to restore files and settings using ghost 14? (By the way ghost 14 is trail version and does not give me option to coppy disk)
Hope you can help me?
Thanx for atleast listing to my song!
Your input will be appreciated