
Dumb kid in my class keeps arguing with beliefs in vegetarianism...?

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I am a prouf veggie but he always gangs up on me!

he says theres no point in being vegetarian etc

I used the excuse 1. killing innocent animals 2. neurological system and then he just says oohhh well you eat plants?? they were livng etc? what shoudl i tell him to shut him the h**l up!?




  1. Animals have feelings. Plants don't. Innocent animals are killed everyday for our benefit. You wouldn't eat your cat so why would you eat a cow or a pig?

  2. 1. Act like it doesn't bother you and pretend he isn't there. Maybe he will get tired of it and stop.

    2. If that doesn't work; tell some adults; a teacher, the principal, your parents. Tell them this kid is harrassing you.

  3. 1. Maybe he has a crush on you. Why else would he care so vehemently about something that does not concern him?

    2. Digesting the fat and protein of meat takes a lot of energy, and takes away from brainpower. (HA!)

    3. Tell him you're not a vegetarian because you love animals,  but because you absolutely HATE plants (muahahaha!!!).

  4. vegetarianism seems pretting fn dumb to me, but I wouldn't give some one shat about it people can do what they like and believe in. tell him to mind his own business and do what you do. he prolly gives you a hard time because he has th hots 4 ya ne way lol

    -hope that helps

  5. First of all, YOU have to respect your own choice and have that as final. If you really want and like being a vegetarian, you don't have to worry about other peoples' opinions.

    But anyway, if you really want to tell him something, say that you are really worried about antibiotics they use in animals and you don't think it is healthy for you. That is a good reason for being a vegetarian anyway.

  6. Say something like "You're right that plants are living. But do you really think there's no difference between mowing the lawn and skinning a live cat?"

  7. He's not worth dealing with. ignore him.

  8. Just ignore him, some people are just morons.

  9. Plants have no central nervous system. They exhibit no pain response.

    Meat eaters consume far more plant material than vegetarians- since it takes from 11-16 pounds of grain and soybeans to produce one pound of beef.

  10. how does one kid gang up on you?  Eat some meat hon you need the brain building protein.

  11. Just tell him hot chicks don't eat meat? Best I can come up with. My chick is hot and she eats meat, so that doesn't always work. Maybe just blow him off like he is a dork  o.O BTW, why are you trying to explain yourself to some random kid, just be you. If he can't accept it, that is his loss, not yours =)

  12. if god didn't intend for us to eat animals ...he wouldn't have made them from meat...

  13. Vegetables don't have a heart.

    Besides it is none of their business if you choose to be a vegetarian.

  14. Tell him that you don't eat animals because you wouldn't want to accidentaly eat him.

  15. you answered your own question; tell him to shut the h**l up.

  16. I saw this from another poster so I am not trying to take the credit but I did have to laugh a little:

    Ask him how many fat kids he sees chomping on carrot sticks?

    Ugh, I can't believe I am sinking to this level but it's kinda funny.

  17. Nothing you say will convince him -- he's just trying to get a reaction out of you, and you keep falling for it.  Ignore it.  If you're confident in your own decision, you won't care that others disagree with you.

  18. Simply tell him that vegetarianism is idiot proof. Then smile and wait 5 years and then proceed to laugh at his high cholesterol and clogged arteries.

  19. Depends on how bad you want to shut him up...

    'Cause you COULD tell him that if he likes meat so much, that there's a nice big chunk of it right between your teacher's legs...

    NOT recommended...

  20. He's not the vegetarian.... i don't see why he should care about your food choices.  Just tell him to go choke on a steak and not worry about it.

  21. The same thing happens to me!!! My friends side with me and so does the teacher though....nobody else has a real problem with my vegetarianism. I tell him it's murder, and that it's cruelty and that animals can feel.

    Plus, plants have no neurological systems, and they WANT other animals to eat their fruits in order to propagate their seeds!

  22. I would tell him...

    When you get cancer in the future

    I will be the one laughing

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