
Dumb question...BUT ANSWER IT!?

by  |  earlier

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so, my basement has a disgusitng rotten smell...its nuthin rotting down there..theres some water leakage though...

tell me a way to get rid of it


waitin 4 ur answer arsh!!





  1. i now wut u can do wid the smell

    stay out of the basement n it'll go sure it will

    hahahahahaha--cuz ur causin ittt lmaoo

  2. Get the leak fixed or get rid of the water, and run a de-humidifier down there!!!!    you have mold growing from the moisture!

  3. i have just sorted my dad's house out,

    and most of his problems were down to lead pipes eroding.

    check the outside and seeif it is affecting anything round

    the foundations, if so hope u r covered by home  insurance,

    do u own or rent prop, if u own ur responsible for damage.

    otherwise tell council, or water board,

  4. omg i got it some one peed idk lol

  5. get frebreeze

  6. Well to get rid of the smell sprinkle lime around the source of odor. To keep it gone I suggest fixing the leak.

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